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Why Data Science Projects Fail: The Harsh Realities of Implementing AI and Analytics, without the Hype (Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Science Series)

by Evan Shellshear, Douglas Gray

The book of the week from 18 Nov 2024 to 22 Nov 2024

The field of artificial intelligence, data science, and analytics is crippling itself. Exaggerated promises of unrealistic technologies, simplifications of complex projects, and marketing hype are leading to an erosion of trust in one of our most critical approaches to making decisions: data driven.

This book aims to fix this by countering the AI hype with a dose of realism. Written by two experts in the field, the authors firmly believe in the power of mathematics, computing, and analytics, but if false expectations are set and practitioners and leaders don’t fully understand everything that really goes into data science projects, then a stunning 80% (or more) of analytics projects will continue to fail, costing enterprises and society hundreds of billions of dollars, and leading to non-experts abandoning one of the most important data-driven decision-making capabilities altogether.

For the first time, business leaders, practitioners, students, and interested laypeople will learn what really makes a data science project successful. By illustrating with many personal stories, the authors reveal the harsh realities of implementing AI and analytics.

Questions and Answers


Doug Gray How might emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning impact the field of optimization? Can you envision any specific applications or techniques that could revolutionize the way we solve complex problems?

Doug Gray

There are a couple of ways to look at this question—- ML is predominantly a predictive analytics methodology— generally speaking, you can “optimize” a process or a system’s performance with better predictive accuracy using ML— we do this at WMT by predicting, based on Supply Chain activity history, more accurately truck loads, miles, cases per trailer, containers, etc. we better position transportation capacity to reduce costs— that optimizes the transportation system. Specifically speaking, the “field of optimization” most typically implies “mathematical optimization”— i.e., optimizing an objective function subject to a set of constraints, e.g., linear programming and its siblings (nonlinear, quadratic, integer, mixed-integer programming). There are a plethora of well known, tried and true algorithms and modeling approaches for solving these kinds of problems. IMO, where AI and optimization intersect is when AI addresses “complex human decision-making” then optimization models and algorithms can be embedded in broader, larger scope and scale AI solutions— I address this in the book with regard to AI augmentation (vs automation) where a human and a model work together iteratively, interactively to solve a complex problem— interactive optimization is a field, pioneered at Georgia Tech in the 1980s) that uses optimization-based models and heuristic algorithms that run very fast and achieve “good solutions quickly” that a human can evaluate, perform exception handling on, adjust some input data parameters and rerun the model. AI then creates new opportunities to apply optimization-based models and solutions.

Ahmed Yassin

As I transition from a model-first to a product-first mindset, I’m realizing how essential it is to work closely with stakeholders to define clear goals and success criteria. However, stakeholders often have conflicting priorities or incomplete understanding of what AI can realistically achieve. How do you recommend navigating these challenges while keeping everyone aligned and the project moving forward? Doug Gray


Hi everyone!
Thank you all for your insightful questions! We are now closing this week’s Book of the Week.
A big thanks to Doug Gray and Evan Shellshear for sharing their time and answering our queries. 🙏
We appreciate your participation and look forward to seeing you again at the next event!

Doug Gray

Hello, this is co-author Doug Gray— I am online and available to take questions!

Wali Mohamed

Do we have to read the book to ask the questions? I guess? If I don’t have to read the book, my question would be? What are the factors that contribute to project failure?


Since you can win the book at the end of the week, I would not buy it in advance. This is more like an appetizer…

Evan Shellshear

Good question Wali, there are many, many factors, well over 100. What we tried to do was distill it down to the main ones (following like an 80/20 rule) and the main reasons are the ones that you’d expect:

Evan Shellshear
  1. Not solving a problem aligned with the strategy
  2. Not having the needed data
  3. Not having the right people
  4. Not having the right tools
Evan Shellshear

So what is surprising is how often this still occurs in spite of all the frameworks, knowledge and research

Evan Shellshear

Also see Doug’s comment below

Ahmed Yassin

Hi Doug Gray and Evan Shellshear,
I have one big question (for now 😄) that I’d love to get your insights on:
Since many early data science projects tend to fail, especially for those of us at the beginning of our careers, what strategies or mindsets would you recommend to help junior engineers turn these failures into valuable learning experiences? How can we use them as stepping stones for future success instead of getting discouraged?

Evan Shellshear

Great question Ahmed, to add to what Doug wrote, I would say develop skills beyond just the technical. This is a big message in our book. You’ll need to learn how to do project management, stakeholder management, excellent communication, learn how to work with ambiguous problem statements.
The most important mindset is knowing that problems will be handed to you in a half thought out, vague and ambiguous fashion, learning to deal with things like that is a great start.
You can use a different mindset for future success too by simply setting expectations in line with what I wrote above. If what happens is what you are expecting, then it won’t be as painful.

Ahmed Yassin

Agree! Your emphasis on dealing with ambiguity and honing communication skills is spot on. At my work, I’ve encountered situations where project goals weren’t fully fleshed out, and it was a challenge to align everyone!

Doug Gray

We highly recommend you read the book as it is replete with great stories and examples of why projects fail (and succeed)— but the The TOP 10 List that I put together originally and served as my contribution to the book’s foundation is as follows:

Doug Gray
  1. Not understanding the business problem
Doug Gray
  1. Data issues
Doug Gray
  1. Misapplying the model
Doug Gray
  1. Solving a problem that is not a business priority (focus on high value business problems, questions, decisions)
Doug Gray
  1. Communication (or lack thereof)
Doug Gray
  1. Change management issues
Doug Gray
  1. Unrealistic expectations (on business value realization, timeline, scope, etc)
Doug Gray
  1. Project management issues (Only 20% of IT projects achieved scope, timeline, and budget (Standish Group CHAOS report, and most DS projects evolve into IT projects to put them in to Production mode)
Doug Gray
  1. Excessive focus on models and technologies
Doug Gray
  1. Getting the model from Sandbox to Production System (Models make the enterprise smarter, models embedded in production systems make the enterprise more economically efficient— Tom Davenport, and THAT is the end game, goal.
Doug Gray

Building models is easy. Building models into enterprise grade production systems embedded in business processes is 10-100X more difficult, complex, costly— Doug Gray (this was confirmed in a recent MIT research report)

Doug Gray

BONUS— 11. Leadership and 12. Culture


> then a stunning 80% (or more) of analytics projects will continue to fail
Is this your rate? Doug Gray and Evan Shellshear

Evan Shellshear

As Doug wrote, for us personally, luckily not. We’ve both been fortunate to work for analytically mature organisations

Doug Gray

Wali, I hope this addresses your question—

Doug Gray

80% is a rate confirmed in numerous published articles, studies, and research reports, yes—

Doug Gray

But the rate is higher for analytically immature orgs like 90%, and lower for analytically mature orgs, like 40%


So you worked in both to archive the 80%?

Doug Gray

I have worked in analytically mature companies like American Airlines and Walmart, and companies that were less mature, so yes.

Doug Gray

But many examples in the book come from colleagues stories that run the gamut from large Fortune 500 companies to start ups that also range from analytically immature to mature.

Doug Gray

A failure rate of 10-20% is to be expected given how difficult this is, and 0% would imply that your org is not stretching or taking enough risk and experimenting

Doug Gray

We focus on avoidable failures— failures we can avert using lessons learned as we describe in detail in the book

Doug Gray

Ahmed, we need to remove the stigma of failure and realize Failure is Feedback— fail fast and learn is the mantra of Silicon Valley that has been adopted by other large companies that innovate with technology and AI, even my company Fortune #1 Walmart. This is as much a cultural issue for companies where failure is viewed as a negative.

Ahmed Yassin

I love the idea that adopting a “fail fast and learn” mindset can foster innovation!

Doug Gray

The TOP 10 Reasons WDSPF are examined through real world cases studies and stories from Evan and myself and our colleagues— we expect that there is something in there for literally everyone that you can relate to, learn from, and apply to your environment, regardless of industry.


Hi Doug Gray Evan Shellshear
How do you effectively balance the need for rapid delivery with the requirement for robust, high-quality data science solutions?

Evan Shellshear

Hi Aizzaac, for this one it is a question of setting expectations. With a given set of resources, it takes only so long to build something so people need to be aware of what is possible with the given constraints. The solution is likely to stage gate it in an agile fashion and release functional code along the journey that does a small, high quality solution for a piece of the problem. I really feel this is typically a stakeholder engagement/expectation type of problem when stated this way. Do you have an example of this for yourself?


No, I always run out of time. 😅

Doug Gray

There is an old saw in software engineering that also applies to DS projects… “Good. Fast. Cheap. Pick two.” Agile MVP (Minimum Viable Product) is the best approach for building and delivering models, solutions rapidly with minimal time to value. We talk about Minimum Time to Value (identification, validation, then capture). Once value is identified that can buy time and garner support for investment needed to productionalize the solution. That said, there is no substitute for rigorous testing (unit, integration, UAT), MLOPS, pipeline development and stabilization. My quote from the book is relevant here. “Building models is easy. Building models into enterprise production systems is difficult by 10-100X” in cost, resources, complexity. MIT recently produced a research report that validated that 1-2 order of magnitude multiplier to get to production.


Evan Shellshear Doug Gray
How do you incorporate ethical considerations into data science projects, and how do these considerations impact timelines and deliverables?

Evan Shellshear

This will come from the company, you should be implementing the ethical guidelines set by the organisation. It is not hard to take a code of conduct or similar ethical policy and ensure that, when designing your system, that it meets these requirements. This should occur first and be part of the scoping process that should then set the timelines and deliverables before they are set in stone.
Do you have any specific examples you are thinking of in your own work?


We were tasked with developing a predictive model to identify potential fraud in financial transactions.
So, we scheduled specific phases for bias detection and mitigation techniques, such as fairness testing and algorithmic audits.
But as usual,we ran out of time 😅


What emerging technologies or methodologies do you believe will significantly impact the future of data science project timelines and delivery?

Evan Shellshear

The ones that are doing it already are things that automate processes like AutoML, (manage, what used to be, manual processes) like database versioning e.g. DBT and these are having an impact now and will have more in the future as companies adopt them. But especially generative AI tools that are able to generate quality code will help speed up development
Any specific use cases that you are thinking of?


Automated Explanation Generation: AI can generate human-readable explanations for complex models, improving transparency and trust.

Evan Shellshear

Interesting it sounds like a combination of generative AI and something like LIME or SHAP, I haven’t heard of it but it reads like a ChatGPT created kind of concept


Well, some already stablished companies (Recorded Future, Spark Beyond) just connect a ChatGPT on the output of their models and showcase some “explainability”.

Doug Gray for example is an advanced AutoML platform that generates detailed reports in prose/English that explain predictive model results.


How do you identify and mitigate your own biases, as well as those of your stakeholders, to ensure objective analysis?

Evan Shellshear

I wouldn’t say this is a data science specific question, this is a generic problem across all disciplines. One example that I have seen is that making people aware of biases can assist in reducing their effect.


How can we effectively map a complex business problem to a well-understood algorithmic problem?

Doug Gray

There are field guides that walk you through how to diagnose a problem and figure out which model to use— here is one from Booz Allen

Doug Gray

I have built some of my own tools that look like a Pachinko Machine— you drop the coin (problem) in the top and it filters down into a bucket at the bottom that suggests appropriate model forms, tools, algorithms— using criteria such as Predictive vs Prescriptive, Stochastic vs, Deterministic vs. Hybrid

Doug Gray

We built a tool at WMT that uses ChatGPT to recommend LLM model forms in response to a problem description prompt.

Doug Gray

In the optimization world (prescriptive), Garey & Johnson’s book Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness is the industry standard for diagnosing super-complex problems and mapping them onto well known problems, e.g., airline crew scheduling maps to set covering/partitioning and is usually solved with an integer programming formulation using column generation.

Doug Gray

This is a skill, and an art form, as much as it is science, that must be honed and developed over time by working with people more experienced, more skilled than you are— either professionals, or academics (that understand and have worked on real world problems). The good news is that today for predictive problems, if you have clean data, AutoML tools will generate the best model (or ensemble of models) for you with the best independent predictor variables to achieve the greatest predictive efficacy— you still need to understand how to interpret and apply the results but it does cut down on time and errors in coding to get to a useful model form.


How can we adapt to the evolving landscape of data science and AI, where new technologies and techniques are constantly emerging?

Evan Shellshear

Good question, the answer comes back to the business questions. Just because there are new technologies and techniques does not mean you need to learn them or use them if they are not relevant (especially after doing a ROI calculation on how much effort they are to learn, their cost to use, etc that can quickly filter out uncommercial options). Narrow down to those that are relevant and then just understand them. The next step is what you would expect - trial them, test them in PoCs, etc.

Tim Becker

Hi Doug Gray and Evan Shellshear , thank you very much for this book! It sounds like an essential read for anyone working in or with a data science team. Here are my questions:

  • Do you have any advice on how to develop reasonable value cases for data science projects, particularly in the early stages? In my experience, predicting benefits and concrete value cases can be quite challenging for digital projects in general, and especially for data science initiatives, where the model’s performance can be uncertain.
  • In many organizations, multiple projects often aim to address the same issues simultaneously, which complicates post-investment reviews. For instance, how would you justify the value of a data science model designed to predict customer churn when other parameters—like pricing strategies—are also being adjusted at the same time?
  • Often, the people responsible for creating data aren’t the ones who directly benefit from or use it. This disconnect can make it difficult to motivate them to maintain the quality standards needed for data science projects to succeed. Do you have any recommendations on who in an organization should “own” the data to maximize project success?
  • Do you recommend any specific project management frameworks for data science projects? Estimating timelines for tasks like data analysis and model development is notoriously difficult. How do you approach this challenge?
Doug Gray

I outline a methodology in the book on how to estimate value before the project begins. Having a BIG multiplier value target helps a lot to start with, like a big expense category— like jet fuel spend for a $20B airline is $6B— you establish a maximum potential benefit of ~ 1-10% and then take a % of that as your goal to reduce cost…

Doug Gray

The churn - pricing change example is a great one. It is very difficult to get to as the economists say ceteris paribus (all other things equal) experiment conditions in the real world. I think you estimate churn for a given price structure, then rerun the churn experiment with the new price structure. I think an experiment to understand price elasticity of demand can be factored into churn. Experimental design is critically important and I address that concept in the book with two real world examples. Addressing confounding factors and properly “blocking” experiments, and using concepts like double-blind studies, control groups, etc. are critical to ensuring the integrity of outcomes.

Doug Gray

The data owner(s) include and range from the data steward (usually a business person/SME/data domain expert), to the data governance person responsible for metadata, data lineage, data transformations, etc., the VP of Data Engineering responsible for data infrastructure integrity, the CISO responsible for data security/access controls, and last but not least the CDO—Chief Data Officer. The Data Scientist plays a role in maintaining data integrity, certainly on what happens to the model outputs, but they are in effect a customer of the data inputs.

Doug Gray

I recommend Agile Kanban for DS modeling projects, and Agile Scrum for system development projects. I have found “planning poker” (using Fibonnacci numbers 1,2,3,5,8,13,21) to be a useful approach for assessing complexity at a task level and estimating level of effort for scrum planning purposes. The downfall of Waterfall largely for software projects in favor of Agile/SAFe is the answer to your question— breaking down large, complex components and tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks is a key— lots of data on team progress and performance (burn down charts, etc) against tasks and milestones on the timeline, lots of unvarnished, open, honest communication and feedback about how things are “really going” and where adjustments/course corrections need to be made— short, iterative dev/test cycles, like 2 week sprints, where you get feedback and can make course corrections before things get too far out of control are all critical factors to project success. Estimates about the unknown are always wrong— it is really a question of how far off is the estimate from reality, and the sooner you can figure out how far off you are and then course correct 1) take a delay and move the deadline out 2) assign more resources and break up the big rocks 3) refactor the code… an old rule of thumb from Fred Brooks in The Mythical Man-Month was that you should spend 1/3 of your time doing the design, 1/6 of your time coding, and 1/2 of your time testing (unit, integration, UAT, verification, validation, post-deployment tests) STILL holds true today IMHO. Also knowing your people and their skill levels— in absolute and relative terms across levels (Senior, Staff, Principal) and even within levels— not all engineers are created equal— hence the term Mythical Man-Month… there is no such thing as a “man-month” rather how long will John take to get this done vs. Judy or Jamaal.😀😇

Tim Becker

Doug Gray thank you very much

Daniel Kleine

Hi Doug Gray! In your book, you categorize failures into four main areas (strategy, process, people, and technology). Given that many organizations struggle with aligning DS projects to business goals, what specific steps can a company take to ensure that its data strategy is not only well-defined but also adaptable to evolving business needs?
I’ve been following the discussion in this channel and noticed that sometimes the answers are posted separately from the question threads. I find it a bit challenging to track which responses go with which questions, and I imagine others might feel the same. Would it be possible to reply within the same thread as the question? I think it could help keep the conversation more organized for everyone.

Evan Shellshear

Hi Daniel, sorry for the non-threading, I’ve sent Doug an email letting him know how.

Daniel Kleine

Alright, thanks!

Doug Gray

Daniel Kleine Often times companies undertake data strategy projects (one in the book) that entail “capturing 100% of enterprise data”— the example in the book is a monumental failure where the project was cancelled after 3 years and $300M spent as the data was doubling every year or so and the company never caught up— in my experience not all data is equal in value potential— I faced this situation in a Director Data & Analytics role— we did the opposite– we first identified a project that high potential business value— Customer Journey & Customer Lifetime Value— we focused data capture efforts on this project only— the result was an incremental $100M in annual revenue— net-net, data strategy, data capture, data governance, and data science programs and initiatives should all be linked, aligned, and focused on the highest value potential efforts—

Daniel Kleine

Interesting point and insightful use case, thank you Doug Gray and Evan Shellshear!


Hi Doug Gray Evan Shellshear
What are some specific examples of unrealistic technologies or simplifications of complex projects that you are referring to?

Evan Shellshear

There are so many, I heard a hilarious one the other day when one of Australia’s AI leaders got up and told everyone how Shell was using Generative AI to optimise wind farm design. This showed a clear lack of understanding of the different technologies (completely unrealistic use of the technology)


Doug Gray Evan Shellshear Why is it important for practitioners and leaders to have a deep understanding of data science projects, even if they are not technical experts?

Evan Shellshear

I wouldn’t say that practitioners need a deep understanding, I don’t think we claim that anywhere. The most important part is realistic expectations which might require some high level knowledge


Doug Gray Evan Shellshear
How can the high failure rate of analytics projects be addressed?

Evan Shellshear

That’s a complex one and one that we address in the book


Doug Gray Evan Shellshear
How can companies effectively identify the highest value potential data sources?

Evan Shellshear

Via a business case, also see Doug’s good responses to these questions below.

Ahmed Yassin

Hi Doug Gray & Evan Shellshear
I got another question in my mind!
I think defining the right success metrics is always a tricky part of any AI project. Could you share any frameworks or practical tips for identifying the most meaningful metrics, especially in projects where the business impact might not be immediately measurable?


Doug Gray Evan Shellshear
How can companies avoid the “shiny object syndrome” and stay focused on high-value data initiatives?

Evan Shellshear

That’s excellent and a core issue we raise in the book and Doug’s response below nails this one.

Doug Gray

Aizzaac Technologies in and of themselves are not unrealistic, but rather how they are applied and or an unrealistic expectation of their application complexity or the benefits that will be gained are unrealistic. Technologies should not drive the project— the business problem, question, or decision is the primary consideration— then you figure out what is the most appropriate technology/modeling methodology to address the situation at hand. Sometimes complexity (or cost) inhibits a solution— so we use a heuristic algorithm instead of say an optimal solution to reduce compute time and get a “good answer quickly instead of the “optimal answer that is super costly.” Some teams may say “let’s do a a computer vision project”— that is not the best place to start— rather “let’s automate inspection of our tractor trailers to verify broken seals or locks, damage, or obscured ID tags… and let’s experiment with computer vision to see if we can get a good result to solve that problem”— that is a better approach. IMO.

Doug Gray

Aizzaac Practioner DS folks should have a deep understanding of DS projects to ensure their validity and correct application. Practitioner business people or leaders do not need to have a deep technical understanding but they should understand generally how the model is working to achieve the results to avoid “black box” syndrome— “before and after the model” experiments comparing results, gamification “can you beat the model’s performance?”, story boarding walkthroughs, and lots of testing and validation can help non-technical folks be confident in the model results being produced.

Doug Gray

Aizzaac We addressed the failure rates using these top ten factors in the book, backed up by research and real-world case study stories—

Doug Gray
  1. Not understanding the business problem
    [11:45 AM] Doug Gray
  2. Data issues
    [11:45 AM] Doug Gray
  3. Misapplying the model
    [11:45 AM] Doug Gray
  4. Solving a problem that is not a business priority (focus on high value business problems, questions, decisions)
    [11:45 AM] Doug Gray
  5. Communication (or lack thereof)
    [11:45 AM] Doug Gray
  6. Change management issues
    [11:46 AM] Doug Gray
  7. Unrealistic expectations (on business value realization, timeline, scope, etc)
    [11:47 AM] Doug Gray
  8. Project management issues (Only 20% of IT projects achieved scope, timeline, and budget (Standish Group CHAOS report, and most DS projects evolve into IT projects to put them in to Production mode)
Doug Gray
  1. Aizzaac Not understanding the business problem
    [11:45 AM] Doug Gray
  2. Data issues
    [11:45 AM] Doug Gray
  3. Misapplying the model
    [11:45 AM] Doug Gray
  4. Solving a problem that is not a business priority (focus on high value business problems, questions, decisions)
    [11:45 AM] Doug Gray
  5. Communication (or lack thereof)
    [11:45 AM] Doug Gray
  6. Change management issues
    [11:46 AM] Doug Gray
  7. Unrealistic expectations (on business value realization, timeline, scope, etc)
    [11:47 AM] Doug Gray
  8. Project management issues (Only 20% of IT projects achieved scope, timeline, and budget (Standish Group CHAOS report, and most DS projects evolve into IT projects to put them in to Production mode)
    [11:47 AM] Doug Gray
  9. Excessive focus on models and technologies
    [11:48 AM] Doug Gray
  10. Getting the model from Sandbox to Production System (Models make the enterprise smarter, models embedded in production systems make the enterprise more economically efficient— Tom Davenport, and THAT is the end game, goal
Doug Gray

Aizzaac Data in and of itself has no value— data used to solve a problem, answer a question, make a decision can generate business value and economic impact. Figure out what are the “big rocks” and “big opportunities” your firm is facing— frame those as business problems, questions, or decisions— use your financial statements to apply revenue and cost figures— for example the cost of excess inventory, input costs like labor and fuel— prioritize these based on magnitude, and then find the data needed to model these scenarios— the data takes on value when used to solve a problem— or answer a question or make a decision.

Doug Gray

Aizzaac Avoid shiny object syndrome by not leading with technical solutions— do not become enamored with the latest new new thing, like ChatGPT in and of itself— focus on the most valuable, high impact business problems, questions, decisions— the model or technology you use is secondary— focus on how are we creating something new to enhance the customer experience or change customer behavior or transform operations— the technical solution is secondary, never primary, it is a means to an end, not an end in itself.

Doug Gray

Ahmed Yassin Metrics should reflect quantities or statistics the business (leadership, managers, shareholders, board members) cares about deeply and that impact financial performance and or economic efficiency of the business. Most businesses have KPIs— Key Performance Indicators that measure the health of the business— in retail COGs, inventory costs, and labor costs are big drivers, in airlines flight crew labor and jet fuel costs are the biggest two operating expenses on the income statement. The data should be in ERP systems, financial statements/systems, HR systems, and may need to be consolidated into a data warehouse, lake, lakehouse, or mesh so it can be analyzed. Sometimes you need to conduct experiments and collect the data to measure the status quo approach to a new and improved DS/AI solution approach to see how KPIs are affected and to what magnitude. Our advice is to work closely with business leaders, managers, subject matter/domain experts that understand the underlying business processes and the metrics used to measure how well or not the system is performing. DS/AI folks should not have to come up with metrics on their own— work alongside the people that do the work.


Doug Gray How can organizations balance the need for innovation with the need for practical, business-oriented solutions?

Evan Shellshear

Hi Aizzaac, I think Doug partially answered this question above when he wrote:
But I think the way to do it is the allocation of some budget for innovation. This is not just a data science problem but one that is across any new risky project in the business that is more than just business as usual


Doug Gray How can organizations effectively communicate the complexities of data science models to non-technical stakeholders, fostering trust and ensuring buy-in for data-driven decisions?

Evan Shellshear

Good question. I don’t think this is something that organisations just communicate and unfortunately when we talk about organisations communicating stuff like this usually we mean the leadership communicating which is normally the group to whom the complexities need to be communicated (or better yet understood).
It is an education piece and the data scientists themselves won’t be able to do this on their own (i.e. communicating upwards) and hopefully things like our book will be read by leaders and provide this education.


Evan Shellshear Doug Gray
How can we ensure that the metrics we use are not only accurate but also actionable?

Evan Shellshear

By ensuring we align them with the business, we talk about the greatest reason of failure in our book being around lack of alignment with a business problem, and metrics that don’t align with business priorities have a much lower chance of being actioned as they are deemed unimportant


Evan Shellshear Doug Gray
In situations where data quality is a challenge, how can we develop robust metrics that are still reliable?

Evan Shellshear

My suggest is that you need to fix the data quality issue and apply metrics on that. Garbage in, garbage out as they say 😄


Hi Doug Gray,
As someone working closely at the intersection of business and technical, I often find it incredibly challenging to communicate effectively with technical teams, particularly engineers, to align on our objectives. Many times, the data team seems to approach their role from a purely technical perspective rather than viewing themselves as partners supporting business outcomes.
In your experience, what’s the best way to navigate and address this kind of situation to foster better collaboration and alignment?

Doug Gray

DS professionals to be most effective need to be intellectually curious about their industry, company, department, and problem domain. Understanding the business problem (or not) is the first reason DS Projects Fail. DS is a means to an end of delivering business value, not an end in itself building models and doing the math. Economic impact is the end game and in order to achieve that DS folks need to engage in understanding the business. Multiple good examples in the book on this front. DS is a support function to the business and needs to be embraced as such.

Rafael Barbosa

Hi Doug Gray!
One common reason I’ve seen data science projects fail is the imposition of very short deadlines that fail to account for the complexity of the problem at hand. This complexity is often difficult to measure during the conceptual phase due to inherent uncertainties, even for experienced data scientists. Unrealistic timelines can lead to suboptimal initial results, causing stakeholder dissatisfaction and, in some cases, abandonment of the project altogether. On the other hand, excessively long development cycles can also lead to failure. By the time such projects are deployed, the company/market may have already moved on from the problem they were meant to address, rendering the solution irrelevant.
Striking the right balance is essential. What would you consider to be the ideal timespan for a data science delivery cycle, one that allows for a satisfactory first delivery and incorporates continuous improvements based on feedback, while minimizing the risk of obsolescence?

Doug Gray

Gauging complexity is challenging— it goes back to deeply understanding the underlying business problem— then mapping that problem onto a well known, well understood problem— e.g., like Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)/Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), or set covering/partitioning for airline crew scheduling, or job scheduling on machines— complexity also stems from the number of integration points for data and other systems integration, dynamism, mission criticality— we cover this in the book in the section on moving from Sandbox to Production— rigor and thoroughness of analysis is the only answer I can give to properly ID complexity— timespan varies a lot depending on data availability and the above factors— my DS pros regularly build models in the cloud in hours, days, or a week, once the data is in place— a typical DS project end to end may take 3-6-9-12 months depending on data, modeling, testing, deployment, environmental constraints, resource availability— XXXL projects like UPS ORION (TSP/VRP) took 10 years and cost $250M to build and deploy, but saves $300-400M per year in costs. The best approach is to be conservative, realistic in your estimating process. If the value is there, the business should be prepared to stick with the plan, program. That requires persistence, commitment, and a champion.

Rafael Barbosa

Thank you for the reply, Doug! All valid points and I completely agree. The book sounds very interesting, will be sure to give it a read.

Rafael Barbosa

Hi Doug Gray,
I’ve often observed data scientists fall into the trap of data snooping, or “p-hacking,” in an effort to prevent a project from being deemed a failure. This typically occurs when stakeholders approach a project with a strong bias toward a specific hypothesis, expecting the data scientist to validate it. When the analysis produces results that contradict their expectations, stakeholders can become confrontational, scrutinizing every aspect of the methodology and citing anecdotal or empirical examples to challenge the findings. This often pressures the data scientist to repeatedly reanalyze the data until the results align with the stakeholder’s preconceived notions, epitomizing the phrase: “torture the data long enough, and it will confess.”
How can data scientists effectively deliver results that contradict a stakeholder’s assumptions while helping them understand why their hypothesis is not supported by the data? Given that explanations involving statistical tests and p-values often fail to resonate with non-technical teams, how can we effectively communicate negative findings in a way that fosters understanding and collaboration?

Doug Gray

This is the challenge (and opportunity) with analytics, data science in general— when we “let the data speak”, inconvenient truths are revealed, long held beliefs and assumptions are invalidated, tried and true heuristics and rules of thumb no longer apply— the question is a cultural one— do you work for a company that is run by HiPPOs? Highest Paid Person’s Opinion— or is the company authentically fact-based, data-driven, model-oriented in the way it solves problems, answers questions, makes decisions? It is a HUGE distinction— but as DS we must be able to clearly, succinctly, diplomatically, rationally “speak truth to power” in English, in business terms they will understand, utilizing a variety of tools, like before and after (the model) experiments, visualization with charts, graphs, heat maps, etc. (this is HUGE, as a picture is worth 1,000 words), storytelling in the business problem/question/decision context— if stakeholders want to ignore the facts/data/model results, and hold onto their biases, you should probably look for another job somewhere else.

Rafael Barbosa

I agree! Establishing a culture of data-driven decision-making has been a key focus for us, though it can be challenging, especially when teams make fast critical decisions based on empirical evidence that later proves incorrect.
As you pointed out, visualizations and storytelling are invaluable in overcoming these challenges. I feel like data scientists play a vital role as champions of this culture, helping to promote and embed it across the organization, especially in companies where this mindset isn’t yet deeply ingrained and has gained focus recently mostly because of the current AI hype. Perhaps another reason why soft skills should never be ignored as well haha thank you for sharing your insights!

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