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Data-Centric Machine Learning with Python

by Nakul Bajaj, Jonas Christensen, Manmohan Gosada

The book of the week from 08 Apr 2024 to 12 Apr 2024

In the rapidly advancing data-driven world where data quality is pivotal to the success of machine learning and artificial intelligence projects, this critically timed guide provides a rare, end-to-end overview of data-centric machine learning (DCML), along with hands-on applications of technical and non-technical approaches to generating deeper and more accurate datasets. This book will help you understand what data-centric ML/AI is and how it can help you to realize the potential of ‘small data’. Delving into the building blocks of data-centric ML/AI, you’ll explore the human aspects of data labeling, tackle ambiguity in labeling, and understand the role of synthetic data. From strategies to improve data collection to techniques for refining and augmenting datasets, you’ll learn everything you need to elevate your data-centric practices. Through applied examples and insights for overcoming challenges, you’ll get a roadmap for implementing data-centric ML/AI in diverse applications in Python. By the end of this book, you’ll have developed a profound understanding of data-centric ML/AI and the proficiency to seamlessly integrate common data-centric approaches in the model development lifecycle to unlock the full potential of your machine learning projects by prioritizing data quality and reliability.

Questions and Answers

Vivek Kumar

Hi, thanks for the book. I have some questions:

  1. While labeling the data what steps can we take for addressing challenges related to human error and ambiguity in annotation tasks?
  2. How can we make sure that the new incoming data does not drifts from the original training set?
Nakul Bajaj

Thanks for asking the questions Vivek.
In the book we cover ambiguity in data labelling, and issues associated with manual labelling.
We provide some techniques on handling these issues.
Some methods used can be programmatic labelling which include:

  1. Pattern Matching
  2. DB lookup
    These are methods associate with using rules and lookup tables to label the data.
    We also cover advanced techniques which use machine learning:
  3. Weak supervision
  4. Semi weak supervision
  5. Active learning
  6. Transfer learning
    We also cover combining these and using slicing functions.
    For point number 2:
    I am not sure what do you mean. I usually believe new data is likely to drift over a period of time. For instance if your products started to appeal to newer demographics or an event like covid happened, which led to model degradation across so many organisations.
    Or you are trying to ask a different question?
Nakul Bajaj

Manmohan Gosada, your thoughts?

Jonas Christensen

Adding to Nakul’s response, we cover a number of techniques for dealing with ambiguity in human annotation tasks. Two examples of innovative techniques for this purpose are Gated Instruction and Jury Learning.

Vivek Kumar

Thanks Nakul Bajaj & Jonas Christensen
For the 2nd question , I see what you’re getting at. It’s not about preventing data drift entirely – you’re right, that’s practically impossible given the dynamic nature of data. Instead, what we should focus on is building mechanisms to detect when data drift occurs and adapt our models accordingly.
How do you envision implementing such monitoring and adaptation mechanisms in your specific context?

Nakul Bajaj

Hi Vivek,
There are some open source tools such as EvidentlyAI that can help with model and data drift. Another one is
Alternatively, there are statistical methods too which measure distribution differences between numerical features. or chi-square test for categorical variables.

Ilya Lukibanov

Hi, thank you for the book! I’ve got a few questions:

  • What is your recommendation for cases in which we detect a very significant data drift and cannot use all of our historical data for modelling the new data generating process?
    ◦ For example, you are a data science team in a sports team and you predict your team event demand to adjust prices. The only data you have is your team performance and your team ticket sales. The team historically had a bad performance and mediocre game attendances. However, in current season, the team recruited a young player who plays very well and the team has a great season, so, the attendance is very high. What the data-centric approach would suggest the data science team do in this situation?
  • How do you detect a data/model drift in a distributed environment?
  • What would your recommend to do in production if you have a single model that serves the whole workflow and you detect a data drift for a relatively small subset of customers (~3-5%)?
  • What are your thoughts on using LLMs for feature extractions and data cleaning?
Nakul Bajaj

Point 1:
If I understood correctly that old data might have become irrelevant.
I can think of few data centric approaches

  1. If the new events are low in volume, but their impact is high, we could create synthetic data and oversample the new events
  2. We could do some feature engineering, and in historical data add a feature associated with “young_player_present”, where in old data values will be 0 and in new data values will be 1
    Jonas Christensen anything else you can suggest?
    Point 2:
    Can you explain what do you mean by distributed environments?
    One can use statistical methods such as chi-square tests, or distance specific tests, distribution tests, etc. to detect data drift and features drift.
    Point 3. I think this really depends on business appetite. First one needs to build these metrics and monitor them to detect in different segments. I would also suggest measuring bias and comparing between training and inference data points. If bias has increased, then again we may need to retrain the model by reducing bias. This could be done by feature engineering, under sampling and oversampling data, or removing/adding examples based on Shapley values
    Point 4: Personally not knowledgeable enough about LLM’s
Ilya Lukibanov

Nakul Bajaj Thank you for your answers!

  1. Yes, the old data is completely irrelevant in this scenario. It is a real world problem that Blackhawks said that they faced. But there can be a different scenario where a second league sports team wins it and join a premier league. In this case, the past attendance data is not very relevant as well. Think of the English Premier League where there are 19 home games in the season or NHL where there are 41 home games. You will have a very limited amount of new data. Moreover, the attendance can vary a lot between the games, so you cannot simply oversample it because there is nothing to sample from and it can be very biased for the following games (depending on the schedule - if you play first against strong opponents and then weak -> attendance might be higher in the beginning of the season and you don’t have any observations against weak opponents). In these cases, the data is accurate, but the world has changed and you need to create new models that would be more statistical than machine learning (machine cannot really learn in this setting, you have to spoon-feed it).
  2. By distributed, I mean you get new data each day that is not able to be fit on a single machine. Let’s say you are Uber and you get data on million of trips each day that come from different markets (different city sizes, different countries), do you still you a single metric for each feature from a list that you provided above to monitor the data quality? For example, you can compare the distribution of all trip lengths, but will it be informative to you? What would the book suggest to do in this scenario?
  3. Let’s say you have tens of millions observations, do you still use the same methods that you suggested above?
Nakul Bajaj

The way to know when data has drifted, is we compare the data or statistical features of the data on which the model was trained vs the data on which inference is performed.
As the new data coming in inference is being performed on this data. All these predictions are stored on systems or databases that are quite performant and can work with big distributed data. Monitoring can run on these systems. If there is an API and each data point is predicted with one request, then drift is not calculated at that time. However if batch inference is done, then engineers can build a system for each batch , if the batch of data has drifted from original data.
This is more an engineering lense on how to do this, but was not covered in the book.

Ramazan Abylkassov

Hey everyone!
Any tips on how to maintain idempotency of the ETL task?

Nakul Bajaj

We didnt cover data warehousing concepts in the book, as you can tell from the title data centric machine learning.
However, I have some suggestions for ETL.

  1. UPSERT (Assuming you have the unique key)
  2. DELETE and then INSERT UNIQUE records
    If you are using a modern stack or ELT
  3. You insert the data and stage the data. You then clean the data in the warehouse and move it to the next layer.
  4. You can use DBT with modern data warehouses, that do T part of ELT. using the unique key defined, it can check which data is already there and which one needs to be added. One can leverage incremental and snapshot strategies
Carlos Orjuela

Hi, thanks for taking the time to answer our questions. I recently came across a chat between Ben Lorica and Sebastian Raschka on The data exchange podcast where Ben gave an opinion on the lines of the newly data-centric ML concept (it was back in 2022) being a bit redundant. I believe I saw some discussion around the same on X, probably from author Andriy Burkov although can’t recall it for sure.
I’d love if you can chime in on the discussion. Thanks!

Jonas Christensen

Hi Carlos, I don’t know what arguments were used to say that DCML is redundant, but we obviously disagree since we’ve gone to the effort of writing a book about it!
The traditional focus on model-centric approaches, where the primary emphasis is on improving algorithms and tuning hyperparameters, has indeed led to significant advancements in ML. However, this model-centric view has its limitations, particularly when deployed in real-world applications across various domains. In reality, most of us don’t work for a FAANG where data and resourcing are typically abundant and created in a controlled environment.
Instead, we work in the long tail of ML problems where datasets are smaller (and often more complex), and use cases are higher risk. In the long tail it can be hard to find a ML project worth $50m, but it’s often possible to find 50 projects worth $1m. These use cases might not be “big data” so we need another way to unlock them - through increasing signal and reducing noise in our “small” dataset.
As I see it, the 3 main evolutions of DCML are:
1. Addressing data quality: The shift towards data-centric ML emphasises the importance of data quality, not just quantity. In many real-world applications, the adage “garbage in, garbage out” holds true – no matter how sophisticated an algorithm is, its output is only as good as the input data. Data-centric approaches prioritise cleaning, labelling and curating high-quality datasets, which are foundational for robust and reliable AI systems.
Even ChatGPT is built on lots of data-centric activity, see these examples:
2. Reducing bias and enhancing fairness: By focusing on the data used to train ML models, we can more effectively identify and mitigate biases that may be present. This is critical for developing fair and ethical AI systems, especially as these technologies are increasingly applied to sensitive areas such as healthcare, finance, and law enforcement.
3. Broadening accessibility: Data-centric ML democratises ML development. Not every organisation or individual has the resources to develop cutting-edge algorithms, but with a focus on improving data quality, smaller teams and organisations can make meaningful contributions to ML advancements. This broadens the accessibility of ML development and encourages innovation from a diverse range of contributors.

Carlos Orjuela

Thanks heaps Jonas Christensen. Much appreciated!

Farid T.

I posted this question in a thread in another (inactive) channel. At the risk of looking very ignorant, I’m going to pose it here as well:
May I ask: when you “read” a book on a technical topic, how do you do the actual reading? Do you read every paragraph of every chapter in order? How about the hands-on parts? Do you stop and implement the code yourself? And how long does a typical O’Reilly book take to finish on average?
I love reading but I never thought it possible to actually read a technical book with everything else I have my fingers in. I’m wondering how people do it.
Would appreciate responses and insights from anyone and everyone. 🙏

Alexey Grigorev

I read with a pen and a notebook, and add notes. this way not only I read slower, but also more thoroughly. If I read fast, my brain doesn’t retain anything

Francisco Delca

Thank you for the book, its a really important topic to cover, my questions are:

  1. How can human judgment be efficiently included in data labeling processes?
  2. What key strategies do you recommend for effectively using ‘small data’?
  3. What is the value of synthetic data in data-centric ML projects?
  4. What are the first steps for adopting data-centric ML practices?
Nakul Bajaj
  1. One of the key principles of data-centric approach is human in the loop approach. Using domain expertise and creating rule based programmatic labelling can be one approach. Or ensuring spending huge effort on accurately labelling a small sample of data, then applying active learning and providing probability scores back to humans, where low probability scores can be updated by humans. Any further thoughts Manmohan Gosada?
  2. Data centric approach recommends that ensuring high data quality in small samples can lead to great results. We can measure the quality of the data across 6 dimensions. Is the data consistent? Is data accurate? Is data up to date? Is data unique? Is data complete ? Is the data valid? As data practioners we should iterate over this data and make it top-notch quality. We should also speak to data producers and ensure they understand how data consumers are using the data, so there could be data contracts in place. This is one of the longest chapter in the book.
  3. Synthetic data can help with creating rare events, help with reducing bias, help with generalisation, help with improving the signal of the data points, where model was making mistakes previously? Any other thoughts Jonas Christensen?
  4. Usually, data-centric approaches are thought about where model-centric approaches fall short, and when data-scientist , ml engineer has spent days/weeks on tuning the algorithms. We want to change that paradigm. We think as data-scientists and data-engineers , we start ensuring data coming in the organisation is good quality and start measuring data quality. Once we have that, then model-centric approaches should be thought about. Data-centric approaches can make data-scientists more confident in their results. Any thing you would like to add Jonas Christensen and Manmohan Gosada?
Jonas Christensen

Great questions Francisco Delca! Nakul Bajaj has done a good job providing answers, but I will add a couple of points:

  1. We describe a range of techniques for this purpose in the book and also share our own experience of combining ML with subject matter expert opinions. There is a lot that can be done to include human judgement, but at the end of the day, it comes down to a combination of very clear instructions, iterative loops and also aligning incentives of labellers with your goals. The last point is often missed. Here’s a simple example: if a call centre agent is incentivised to wrap up calls quickly they may not collect as much data (or the right data) as the data science team would like. If you can align incentives then the right information is more likely to get captured. Sometimes it’s enough to just explain the bigger picture of how the collected/labelled data is used, for labellers to change their behaviours.
  2. When it comes to “small data”, it often depends on the specific use case. However, I find it helpful to ask myself “if I only had 1000 rows in my dataset, what would it need to contain to be used for my model?” That question can help you think about the depth and breadth of observations/features needed, but also that you need to define which are the most important kinds of observations for the model to understand and distinguish between objects, classes or whatever you’re modelling.
Francisco Delca

Thank you Nakul Bajaj for the clarifications. I recently took a course for AI Product Manager and my key takeaways are a lot related with a data centric approach. They were:

  • 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐚: Effective AI begins with a solid data strategy. The key is initiating a data flywheel process that focuses on collecting quality data, optimizing for speed in data preparation, and continuously refining models with new insights. It’s all about harnessing the power of iterative improvement for maximum impact.
  • 𝐄𝐦𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐧: Incorporating long-tail data is essential for AI’s ability to handle both common and rare scenarios, enriching the data flywheel with diversity and depth.

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