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Graph Algorithms for Data Science

by Tomaz Bratanic

The book of the week from 26 Sep 2022 to 30 Sep 2022

Graphs are the natural way to understand connected data. This book explores the most important algorithms and techniques for graphs in data science, with practical examples and concrete advice on implementation and deployment.

In Graph Algorithms for Data Science you will learn:

  • Labeled-property graph modeling
  • Constructing a graph from structured data such as CSV or SQL
  • NLP techniques to construct a graph from unstructured data
  • Cypher query language syntax to manipulate data and extract insights
  • Social network analysis algorithms like PageRank and community detection
  • How to translate graph structure to a ML model input with node embedding models
  • Using graph features in node classification and link prediction workflows

Graph Algorithms for Data Science is a hands-on guide to working with graph-based data in applications like machine learning, fraud detection, and business data analysis. It’s filled with fascinating and fun projects, demonstrating the ins-and-outs of graphs. You’ll gain practical skills by analyzing Twitter, building graphs with NLP techniques, and much more. You don’t need any graph experience to start benefiting from this insightful guide. These powerful graph algorithms are explained in clear, jargon-free text and illustrations that makes them easy to apply to your own projects.

Questions and Answers


I am really looking forward to read this book. Looks super interesting. Does it come with small projects?

Tomaz Bratanic

Every chapter apart from the first 2 is a tutorial based project of its own

Evren Unal

Hi Tomaz Bratanic,
I heard gnn here and there becoming more popular day to day.
Does it eventually take place of other deep learning algorithms like cnn and rnn? or gnn is to use togeather with other algorithms?

Tomaz Bratanic

GNN is simply a CNN fitted to any type of graphs… if CNN can be used on an image, which is a grid graph with predefined structure, that GNN is a variation of CNN that can be used on any graph structure

Tomaz Bratanic

other algorithms can be used to define features of nodes to be used in GNNs

Evren Unal

As i understand gnn does not replace other algorithms.
I thing to better understand gnn one should see some examles.

Ali Shakiba

Hi Tomaz Bratanic
Thanks for introducing the book.
Many graphs, such as the ones like Web connections or Twitter follower/following graphs are very big, although they are sparse. Are Big graphs also covered in your book, too? As far as I know, many problems in graph theory are NP-hard and many of the polynomial-time algorithms are not useful for big graphs, even assuming that something like Floyd-Warshall algorithm running on the graph corresponding to the map of the World with all cities with O(n^3) running time is frightening.

Tomaz Bratanic

I don’t deal with very large graphs in my book. For graphs even O(n^2) doesn’t scale well. Some algorithms have approximate variations. There are also other algorithms that scale pretty well like PageRank, or Label Propagation etc… In my book, I don’t deal with pathfinding at all

Ashish Lalchandani

Hi Tomaz Bratanic, thanks for being here! My question is, what are the applications of graph algorithms in ML? I mean, what kind of problems in ML can be solved using graph algorithms? Also, are the graph algorithms used in ML are same as the conventional graph algorithms we use in competitive programming/leetcode?

Tomaz Bratanic

More classical graph algorithms have been used to find the most important nodes or find groups of nodes… Lately, there has been a shift into extracting features from graphs and using them as inputs to ML models. I have no idea what kind of graph algorithms are using in competitive landscape. Probably PageRank is the most used algorithm out there

Ashish Lalchandani

What kind of features are you referring to? Also, for graph algorithms in competitive programming, i was referring to BFD, DFS, backtracking, minimum spanning tree, etc.

Tomaz Bratanic

BFS and DFS are basis of some algorithms… I am talking more about unsupervised graph algorithms like pagerank, label propagation, node2vec etc

Tomaz Bratanic

There are a couple of features that you can extract based on the position of the node in the network… how important it is, how well connected, how does it group by, who are their neighbors etc…

Ashish Lalchandani

Oh i see, that makes sense now, thanks for explaining! Much appreciated!


Hi Tomaz Bratanic thanks for writing this book. I am very new to this sub-space of AI ML.
From my very shallow knowledge, graph theory as well as graph database have been around for a while, but I noticed that graph based ML etc has only risen to fame in the last few years. Is my observation right? If so, why is that?
Also, what are the practical strengths of graph based ML as well as the limitations, especially in production/deployment settings (compared to the conventional/mainstream ML algorithms like NN etc) ?

Tomaz Bratanic

Graph ML has risen to fame only in the last years, because most of the graph ML algorithms have been developed in only the last couple of years, most noticeably embedding and GNN models.
If relationships are predictable, then graph models can take those relationships and use them as features in predictions whereas it is hard to encode those relationships in traditional models

Tomaz Bratanic

btw… I have tons of free articles on medium if you want to take a look at free content before deciding about the book:

Tomaz Bratanic

Ashish Lalchandani GerryK Luis You have been selected as the winners of the free copy of the book. Please DM me and I will give you instruction to obtain a free copy of the book

Alexey Grigorev

Thanks for joining us this week!

Tomaz Bratanic

My pleasure

Ashish Lalchandani

Thank you Tomaz Bratanic!! Thanks for answering our questions 😀 Thanks Alexey Grigorev Francis Terence Amit for hosting book of the week, much appreciated!


hi, Tomaz Bratanic
Congrats on launching the new MEAP!
Are graphs algorithms:

  1. affected by the direction (bi- or uni-) of the edges? If so, what are the gotchas we should be aware of, especially when dealing with uni-directional edges?
  2. more effective than the “traditional” unsupervised learning algorithms for clustering, k-means, etc., other than the fact that data in graphs don’t necessarily need to conform to the same structure?
    Recently, I’ve also come across another graph database – Tigergraph – that touts itself more capable because of the number of hops it can make it much greater than Neo4J, e.g., it can detect frauds from nodes/edges that are 6-8 hops away from destination. If number of hops are really that important, are there algorithms that can make up for such scenarios.
Tomaz Bratanic
  1. algorithms are definitely affected whether edges are undirected or directed. You can think of a undirected edge as two directed edges, where each points in the opposite direction. The main difference between undirected and directed edges is the semantics… for example, if I am friends with you, does that directly imply that you’re also a friend with me. If the direct implication can be made, then you are most likely dealing with an undirected edge. In practice you will see a lot of undirected edges.
Tomaz Bratanic
  1. Clustering is a big category of graph algorithms, so it’s hard to say if they are better. It has more of to do with your data input. If you are dealing with vectors, you will most likely use something like k-means, but if you are dealing with a connections between data points, then you might use something like Label Propagation.
Tomaz Bratanic
  1. detect frauds from nodes/edges that are 6-8 hops away from destination… that’s just marketing talk. Any database can do 6-8 hops or joins, even SQL. The question is how fast and at what scale

thanks for taking my questions, Tomaz Bratanic!

  1. As direction matters in edges, does that mean results from the algorithms may differ depending on where the starting point is? Using your friend example and assuming it’s unidirectional, the algorithm would be able to detect we are friends when the query starts from you (node), but it can’t detect if the query starts from me (node)?

(skipping 2)

  1. Are you saying that Neo4J can do 6-8 hops too at reasonable speed and scale? While I always take a pinch of salt, their marketing implies that Neo4J can’t even complete the query. To make Neo4J complete this many hops, would we need to write convoluted Cypher to achieve it?

Hi Tomaz Bratanic, thanks for being here.

  • Are you refering to any tools for visualisation for better understanding the graph concept?
  • Do you see more and more projects/companies using graphs?
Tomaz Bratanic
  1. I don’t talk about viz tools in the book, but my favourite tool to analyse and visualize small graphs is Gephi
  2. I think that more and more companies are using graphs, some because they see the value, some because it is become more and more of a “hot” technology
Prashant Choudhary

Hi Tomaz Bratanic
ML models are probabilistic in nature. Using ML models to extract information from unstructured text would not be 100% accurate. Mostly 80-90% accurate. In contrast, Data in graphs should be factual and correct. Knowledge Graphs become data source for various apps like goggle, chatbot where you need the information to be factually correct. What are your thoughts?

Tomaz Bratanic

It depends on your use-case. The more messier your knowledge graph, the messier the output. Extracting information from text is hard. First of all, not all of the extracted information conforms to the graph structure, and secondly, even 80-90% accuracy is sometimes hard to achieve. What might be a big problem with constructing a graph from text is entity disambigation for example

Taher Hassonjee

A little late to the conversation, but this is exactly what my company does. We turn any unstructured text into a custom CSV output. If you’re interested, I’m happy to give you access and get your feedback

Tomaz Bratanic

do you extract triples?

Taher Hassonjee

Not yet but on the roadmap


Hi Tomaz Bratanic
Thank you for introducing Graph Algorithms for Data Science , I would be very interested in reading recommendation and fraud detection chapters from your book.

  • one general question, what would be the difference that you are covering in your book and GNN (graph neural network) and graph CNN?
  • and what are the applications for each of those can be applied?
    Thank you very much,
Tomaz Bratanic

GNNs are the state of the art methods of graph ML at the moment. My book builds up all the knowledge to get to GNNs, but doesn’t delve too much into them. If you are interested in recommendations and fraud detection I would recommend the following book:

Bhupendrasinh Thakre

Tomaz Bratanic do you also go through hands on learning in your book or theory only

Tomaz Bratanic

it’s mostly hands on learning


The book that was mentioned in the week 1 video about being the best book to read as regards DE. Please I didn’t get the spelling

Alexey Grigorev

You need to give more context. Which week 1? Was it course? Which one?
Also, this is not the right channel for asking these questions. Here we invite book authors and ask them anything

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  • Ask as many questions as you'd like
  • The book authors answer questions from Monday till Thursday
  • On Friday, the authors decide who wins free copies of their book

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