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Effective Pandas

by Matt Harrison

The book of the week from 31 Jan 2022 to 04 Feb 2022

Best practices for manipulating data with Pandas. This book will arm you with years of knowledge and experience that are condensed into an easy to follow format. Rather than taking months reading blogs and websites and searching mailing lists and groups, this book will teach you how to write good Pandas code.

Questions and Answers


Kindly, I would like to know:
How this book is different from the other books that @Matt Harrison has written?

Matt Harrison

Hi Tim, Great question. My first Pandas book, Learning the Pandas Library, was one of the first books on Pandas. After that book I had the chance to use Pandas even more, teaching and consulting with it. I had been planning on updating it after those experiences. In the meantime I was approached to do the second edition of the Pandas Cookbook. I had read the 1st edition and liked it. Though I added a few chapters to the cookbook, I also re-wrote almost all of the code. I think it is a great book. However, it is not “my” book. (edited)

Dr Abdulrahman Baqais

Thank you. Sounds an interesting book. I would like you ask few questions:
1) What do you mean effective? Time performance, readibility, best practise among other choices….
2) Some of the methods performed by Pandas can be done by other libraries such as : nupmy or sciket learn. For example:null impuatation or categorical varible conversion. Was there a comparison ?
3) Pandas is evolving and 1.0 already there. Do you think thaere is still a large room for improvement in a Pandas and in which areas?
4) When it is advisable to use Pandas? Any guirlines on the best cases where Pandas are preferred over R packages for example.
5) Where are the neck pains of pandas. For example transpose a dataframe is very slow comapring to transposing a numpy array.
Thank you so much and your expertise surely will help us.

Matt Harrison

Hi Dr Abdulrahman Baqais

  1. Yes. You can read reviews. This book teaches a Pandas style that few teach, however it will completely change your Pandas code.
  2. No. This is not an ML book. I was tempted to do an ML chapter but early reviewers advised against it. Perhaps in the next edition.
  3. Great question. The Pandas API is HUGE. However, if you master a small subset, you can be really productive. Personally (in consulting, training, and using Pandas), I haven’t found post 1.x features to be used much. What is more interesting to me is optimization and the notion of the Pandas “API” being the standard interface for interacting with data in Python. (See libraries for scaleout, GPU, etc that all have a Pandas API).
  4. I don’t use R in happiness or anger.😉 So I’m heavily biased for using Python. Use Pandas when you have “small” data. Use the Pandas API after that.
  5. Great example. Numpy is excellent for matrices of like-typed data. You can use Pandas for that but as you mention things like transpose aren’t really meant for hetergenous data types. Index assignment is probably the biggest thing. It leads to confusion and bugs.

Hello, thank you very much for doing this. I would like to know:

  1. Who is your target audience for this book?
  2. Are there any prerequisites needed to get the most out of the book?
  3. How is it Different than the Pandas 1.x Cookbook (with Ted Petrou) ?
  4. There are so many Python-based libraries out there which can be used for a variety of data science tasks. Where does pandas fit into this picture?
  5. What are the most challenging lessons that you have learned while working on this book?
  6. What advice would you have for beginners in data science/engineering? What things should they keep in mind while designing and developing their data science/engineering workflow?
  7. Are there any specific resources which we could refer to, apart from this book of course?
    Thank you.
Matt Harrison

ouskä, thanks for your questions.

  1. The target audience is anyone who wants to write better pandas code.
  2. Basic Python skills: Functions, loops. After that, I really encourage Lambdas and Comprehension constructs, and argument unpacking.
  3. See my answer to Tim. Cookbook is a great book, however, it is not the book I want.
  4. If you have tabular data that fits on your machine, Pandas should be at the top of your list. If it doesn’t fit on your machine consider the pandas “API” (spark, dask, modin, etc).
  5. With respect to book authoring: books always take longer to write. (I wish it were out a year earlier). With respect to the content: finding real-world data to illustrate concepts is challenging. Also, the API is HUGE, considering what percent to cover is always a tradeoff.
  6. Work on projects that interest you and you can learn from. Learn the basics of software engineering even if you don’t want to be a “programmer”. You are using a programming tool.
  7. Watch my PyData talk for some of the big ideas from the book https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgbUk90aQ6A&t=4604s

Matt Harrison Thank you very much for your response. Well noted. Second question if you don’t mind.

  • There have been some errors that occur due to the latest version of pandas. Is there a section in your book handling this? eg performance warning, Future warning ‘your data frame is defragmented’
Matt Harrison

I intentionally write (and teach) Pandas in a way to avoid errors/warnings.

Matt Harrison

I do have some content on date and timezone conversion issues.


What is the pricing? Does it come on paperback only or there is a kindle version?

Matt Harrison

Paperback is on Amazon. Digital version at https://store.metasnake.com


Okay. Thank you very much Matt. I appreciate the time you took to answer my questions. It was nice chatting with you. I certainly hope I can get my hands on this book.
Good luck and stay safe.

Philip Dießner

Hi Matt Harrison, thanks for being with us!

  1. What is your favorite functionality in Pandas that you would never want to miss? (If it is chaining, I also would be interested in #2 )
  2. What do you think are the most common anti-patterns, which might trap people with experience in Python and starting with Pandas?
  3. What part of the API are you using now very often that you picked up on far too late?
Matt Harrison
  1. Great question. I would probably say the ease of grouping and aggregating or visualization.
  2. inplace, index assignment, .apply, reading bad advice on the internet. 😉
  3. Chaining. Not really an API, but a game-changer.
Alexey Grigorev

can you show an example of chaining?

Matt Harrison

See the get_sales function in attached image

Alexey Grigorev

looks nice, thanks!

Michael Harty

inplace did seem like such a great idea when I first heard about it 😅
In reference to Alexey’s comment below about dplyr, I have barely used it, but many of my teammates use it, and they have shown me the basics. Not too long ago I thought. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could do this piping in pandas.
Turns out you can and it’s called method chaining. My python code has started to look a lot more similar to the dplyr pipes (and a lot better too) once I started learning how method chaining works

Philip Dießner

Matt Harrison Thanks for your answers! Regarding 2., as I have experienced the others but not this, could you explain the index assignment a bit or give an example?

Matt Harrison

Using index assignment makes it hard to chain because assignment doesn’t return a pandas object to chain on. Also, it exposes you to potential bugs because you might be working a view or a copy.

Michael Harty

What exactly do you mean by index assignment?

Matt Harrison

Updating a column by doing something like this. df[col] = new_col
You should be doing this insteaddf.assign(col=new_col)

Alexey Grigorev

What do you think about the convergence to this pandas API? Wouldn’t the world be better off if instead everyone used something similar to dplyr?

Matt Harrison

The Python world (which is arguable 10-100X bigger than the R world) has converged on the Pandas API. I personally don’t think Pandas is the perfect API (certainly there are tough spots for beginners), but it is where we are at today.
I think it is a good thing in that an investment in learning pandas turns out to be a super-power when you need to move to Spark or Dask.

Evren Unal

Hi Matt Harrison
I would like to learn a tool which i can use to manipulate ndim array easly
Is Series enough for this job, or do i need to learn data Frames as well?

Matt Harrison

For n-dimensional arrays of the same type use numpy.
WRT pandas, +80% of the interface of Series and DataFrame is the same (one is applied to 1-dimension, the other 2-dimension)

Evren Unal

Thank you 👍

Varun Nayyar

Hey Matt Harrison welcome and congratulations on your latest Book.
It would be great if you could answer a few questions I have.

  1. How superior is it to your Pandas cookbook from Packt?
  2. Is the book for beginners or for people with some prior experience in pandas? Or indifferent to all levels?
  3. How easy would it be for someone after this book to transition to PySpark for big data manipulation?
  4. Why do you think pandas is a better choice for data manipulation when compared with other Libraries in python?
  5. Would you say that this book is a reference book or does it require thorough reading to get the best out of it?
  6. Is there some content dedicated to what after pandas? For example preprocessing and feature engineering for ML models?
    Forgive me if there’s any overlap in the questions which you previously answered.
    All the best for your book.
    Hoping to grab a copy✨
Matt Harrison
  1. Much superior 😉 (See other threads)
  2. Anyone who wants to improve their Pandas. I have reviews from beginners and experience alike that this is changing how they think about Pandas.
  3. PySpark recently merged the “Pandas API” 😉
  4. It is better for “structured” or “tabular” data. Because it is built for that use case but also leverages NumPy so it is speedy and memory efficient.
  5. There is a reference section at the end of each chapter. However, you can pick chapters that might be relevant to you.
  6. It is focused on Pandas. There is an example of ML in the book, but it is not the focus.
Bhaskar Sarma

Hi Matt Harrison congratulations and thank you for deciding to answer our questions on this community.
I would like to ask three questions:

  1. What is the presentation style in the book? Do you present through independent small examples through the whole book or, you start with small examples and then build up to a big project towards the end?
  2. In one of the previous answers, you have told that “Use Pandas when you have small data. Use the Pandas API after that”. Where do you draw the line between small and big data (if you want to call it) ?
  3. What is the difference between Pandas and Pandas API ? Asking as a beginner in Data Science and Pandas.
    Thank you
Matt Harrison
  1. There are “projects” scattered throughout the book. However, in contrast to many Pandas resources, I try to use real-world data throughout. So my code may be a little more complicated because it is not using canned data.
  2. Small data (IMO) is data that will fit on a single* machine.
  3. Pandas implements the Pandas API. So does Dask and Spark and about a dozen other projects.
    `* - Small varies as a single machine might have a few gigs to 100+gigs these days.
William Jamir

Congratulations on your book!
I would like to know more about your opinion on “inplace” operations, do you think there are valid cases to use it? (like memory consumption perhaps)
Also, does your book address best practices around inplace oprerations, or does it “completely” ban its use?

Matt Harrison

I recommend disregarding “inplace”. Don’t use it. In general it doesn’t do what you think it does and it prohibits chaining. There is a dialog among pandas devs to remove it completely.
Yes, my book has best practices which include “don’t use inplace”. Check out the reviews at https://store.metasnake.com/effective-pandas-book to see how people are changing their code after going through the book.

Michael Harty

One of first things I noticed when trying your style of method chaining is that black code formatting does not agree with it. Have you found any formatters that work? Or in your opinion, is it best to not use one for pandas code?

Matt Harrison

I’ve thought about making “black panda”… (not enough time in the day).
Yes, black is horrible for properly chained pandas code. Right now I just format it manually. 😢

Michael Harty

oh yeah, “black panda” would be great


Hello Matt!
In a world where currently either most Data Scientists either strive for more core modelling skills or core engineering skills (mainly with respect to being more MLOps aware), how would you place skills like writing effective pandas code?
Also, what do you think is the biggest reason why people fail to write effective pandas code? Do you think is it because pandas is mainly used for exploratory work and thus, Data Scientists do not see much upside in learning it effectively or is this lack of awareness about what exactly is effective pandas?
Good luck with your book!

Matt Harrison

Pandas is useful for both exploring and creating pipelines. Generally the former is done in a very loose manner. The latter is done by software engineers. Many “scientists” claim they don’t want to be programmers and ignore best-practices.
Most of the examples of pandas code on blogs, videos, books, or otherwise push learners to use poor coding practices. I think that is because we are pretty early on with the library and crossovers from science to programming. Take heart, best practices are emerging though!

Michael Harty

I’m curious in your experience teaching pandas do you take a different approach based on your specific audience’s background? Im thinking there might be a different approach to a team of analysts that work largely in excel (like many of the engineers I work with) versus analysts who are more familiar with SQL but not Python and pandas. Thanks 🙏🏻

Matt Harrison

In my live courses I generally try to cater the content to the experience level of the attendees. Certainly I’ve seen that Excel experts prefer .pivot_table while database gurus like .groupby. :woman-shrugging:

Tim Becker

Hi Matt Harrison, thanks for this interesting book! I would like to know what are the biggest anti-patterns in terms of computational speed. For example, if I remember correctly, iterrows seems to be very slow. Is there a situation in which you would recommend iterrow?

Matt Harrison

You want to stay in the “fast path” in pandas for numeric operations. Using .apply and .iterrows are generally bad for numeric performance. However, they are fine for string operations (though you may want to consider conversion to categoricals) as strings are already on the “slow path”.
I generally only find myself using .iterrows when I’m tweaking labels on a plot.

Beau Waldrop

Hi Matt Harrison, what’s something in pandas that is super useful that you feel doesn’t get used enough by a lot of people working in data?

Matt Harrison

Great question.
Many people don’t realize how easy it can be to visualize with pandas. Especially with an aggregation.

Aruna Sri

Hi Matt Harrison,
Congratulations on the release of the book, I am sure it will cover many techniques to help the ML community. Could you share your insights in reducing latency time with Pandas operations for real time ML applications especially computer vision.

Matt Harrison

Hi Aruna, You want to stay in the “fast path” for numeric operations. Avoid .apply, .iterrows, etc. Use vectorized operations where possible.

William Jamir

For a team that doesn’t have much experience with pandas, what is your suggestion to better educate the team to write “idiomatic” pandas code (besides reading your book 🤓) ? Do you know any tools/linters that can help with this task?

Matt Harrison

Hi William, I’m not aware of linters for pandas, however I am very opinionated regarding best ways to educate a team.😉
In fact, I wrote a post about it … https://www.metasnake.com/blog/learn-python-2021.html

Roy Jafari

Hi Matt! I just ordered the book and looking forward to reading and improving my pandas’ coding and knowledge.
Obviously, you have a great depth of experience and expertise with programming and pandas and I am thankful that you are sharing that with us through this book. My question is exactly about this experience and expertise. How would you describe it? How many years and what type of experiences has led you to this exciting book?

Matt Harrison

Hi Roy, these days anyone can write a book. You just need to want to. I will say that many of the practices in the book came after years of using Pandas and deriving strong opinions.

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