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Python Feature Engineering Cookbook

by Soledad Galli

The book of the week from 20 Sep 2021 to 24 Sep 2021

Feature engineering is invaluable for developing and enriching your machine learning models. In this cookbook, you will work with the best tools to streamline your feature engineering pipelines and techniques and simplify and improve the quality of your code.

Using Python libraries such as pandas, scikit-learn, Featuretools, and Feature-engine, you’ll learn how to work with both continuous and discrete datasets and be able to transform features from unstructured datasets. You will develop the skills necessary to select the best features as well as the most suitable extraction techniques. This book will cover Python recipes that will help you automate feature engineering to simplify complex processes. You’ll also get to grips with different feature engineering strategies, such as the box-cox transform, power transform, and log transform across machine learning, reinforcement learning, and natural language processing (NLP) domains.

Questions and Answers

Guy Adams

Soledad Galli - thanks for agreeing to answer questions! How automatable is the process of feature engineering against unknown/new data?

Soledad Galli

How automatable: that is the million dollar question. I think there is a lot of effort put into trying to automate feature engineering, with different degrees of success.


Soledad Galli - Thank you for doing this. Looking forward to other questions/responses as well.
I want to understand if there is any systematic approach to engineer features for specific problems?

Soledad Galli

I think the most advanced in that direction are the libraries featuretools and tsfresh which include transformers that out-of-the-box return a battery of features extracted based on the most used feature calculations. Tsfresh for example returns around 1200 features and then goes ahead and selects the most relevant ones. Featuretools does more or less the same but returns far fewer features.

Soledad Galli

Both libraries are geared to time series though.

Soledad Galli

For classical so to say data, i.e., tabular data, I have not come accross libraries like this. Instead other libraries like feature-engine, category encoders and sklearn offer a variety of individual transformers from which you can pick and choose according to the needs for your data. And then, you can line up all trasformers within a scikit-learn pipeline, to run them in sequence.

Soledad Galli

The thing is, in my opinion, that some datasets may require some special treatment, and you know best your data than any python library, so at the end of the day, domain knolewdge always help

Soledad Galli

I think with that I kind of try and answer the 2 questions, no? I don’t know of a systematic approach other than what I mention here.

Quynh Le

Hi Soledad Galli, thanks for writing the book! Could you share with us which feature engineering methods are most popular? Also does feature engineering make it more difficult to interpret the model results?

Soledad Galli

Quynh Le for imputation, the most popular ones are mean, median imputation for numerical variables, usually accompanied by adding a missing binary indicator. And for categorical variables replacing NA with the string “missing” or “other”. For categorical encoding, the most common is one hot encoding. For variable transformations I would say, log, box-cox and yeo-johnson, alternatively, discretization. And then for scaling: standardization or scaling to the maximum and minimum values, whenever needed. For time series I would say lagging the features, or window features, where you take usually the mean, max or min from a window of a certain number of steps usually behind the point you want to predict. But this is just the tip of the iceberg, there is a lot more that you can do to the data.

Nikhil Shrestha

Hi Soledad Galli
Thanks for writing the book.
Feature engineering has always been one of my favorite area in whole machine learning.
I am posting few of many questions here:

  1. Depending on data and it’s distribution we decide upon the feature engineering we can perform. As I also learnt that this can be mastered with practice and experience with data. Could you point some resources to understand this better. Lets say for e.g. we have a non linearly separable data in binary classification problem. data looks like a concentric circle where -ve points are in the inner circle and positive are on the outer circle. How can we transform such feature to use Logistic Regression.
  2. I did a project on Walmart where I used columns like date, weekly sales(dependent variable), store_number, to generate two new ordinal columns which actually helped to improve score a lot. I used mean, addition, if else statement to do this. Another example for the same was formula for calculating social media popularity = (number_of_people_reviewed_for movies / number_of people_voted_for_movie) * no_of_faceboooks_likes. It never made sense to me as how this transformation helps in making model better, but it actually did.
    Using this technique made me think does FEATURE ENGINEERING limits. Can we use any mathematical function using various columns and come up with a new column and that will improve the model ? or is there a specific pattern in this technique?
  3. There are many articles which says you can even use running average of some variables to create a new one out of it. Does this apply to certain specific cases ? or we can do is more often generally?
    I hope I didn’t offend or trouble you with these questions, but I couldn’t find answers to these. So thank you again Soledad Galli for the book and your expertise in this area, also thank you Alexey Grigorev for this platform.🙂
Soledad Galli

Nikhil Shrestha 1) it is not always possible to transform data to make it linearly separable. Having said this, there are some techniques that help, like some mathematical transformations, or monotonic encodings for categorical variables, or using decision trees to replace the values of the variables by the predictions of the trees. Probably the latter would work best in the scenario you describe. I have a course on udemy on feature engineering where I teach monotonic encoding and how that helps with linear models, you might find that interesting. Andrew Ng in his machine learning course in coursera also discusses somewhere throughout the course something about transforming data to make it linearly separable. And for the encoding with decision trees, this article describe its use:

Soledad Galli

2) you can certainly use any mathematical transformation to create features. The sky is the limit. In fact, the package ts fresh does exactly that, create hundreds of features and then select the most relevant. Some Kaggle competitors (that won several competitions) also create loads of features and then select the most relevant. The thing I would advice here, is to think how are you going to use the features and the model. If it is for an organisation, that is tightly regulated, and needs to be able to explain the models and the variables to the customers and / or auditors, then I would suggest to create features that “make sense”. If it is for a data science competition where the only thing that matters is to produce a high performing model, then you can do whatever you want.

Soledad Galli

Also to add to the above, when we build models for organisations, usually someone within the organsation is going to “consume” that model. For example, if we build fraud detection models, the fraud investigators are going to follow up applications or claims that are fraudulent. So they do need interpretable models and thus, interpretable variables. If the variable is some sort of polynomial combination of price, location, and who knows how many other componenents, they can’t really make sense of it

Soledad Galli

3) the running (rolling?) average is very frequently used in forecasting.

Soledad Galli

I am not offended or troubled by the questions, that is the whole point of the book of the week, right? 😉

Nikhil Shrestha

Soledad Galli wow!!
Now that you explained this it all sounds so simple and intuitive.
The problem I was facing was is that I used to hold back when transforming thinking:

  • what if this is only computationally heavy, especially when working with kaggle datasets
  • my concepts were not that clear before.
    Now that concepts are clear I can directly go apply transformation confidently in competition and business case datasets, bcoz I know this will Surely work.
    And yes I meant running average (I made a blunder by writing Rolling) 🤭
    Hence thank you very much 🙏
    I will surely take the course you suggested. I am sure I will learn a lot from there too.🙌
    Keep up the good work 🙂👏

Soledad Galli

  1. Classical Feature Engineering vs Deep Learning approach, which to choose when?
  2. What are the limitations of feature engineering?
Soledad Galli

Doink I think the first question here is probably off-the-shelf traditional machine learning models (which need feature engineering) vs deep learning. Deep learning makes sense only when you have loads of data. If your datasets are small, deep learning does not really outperform the more traditional and thus simpler machine learning models. Andrew ng discusses this in one of the first videos in the ai specialization in coursera, in case you want more details.

Soledad Galli

Regarding the limitations of feature engineering, I would say the first one is that it is time consuming. The second one is that to make features that make sense, we usually require some domain knowledge of the topic, for which we tend to work together with the experts, in my case, with the fraud investigators. For time series, also scalability is an important issue.


Hi Soledad Galli,
What are the features usually extracted from:

  1. Image
  2. Video
  3. Audio
Wendy Mak

tbh for all 3 above kinds of data you typically run it through a neural net without really doing ‘feature engineering’ in the traditional sense. You might want to do data augmentation for example especially if you don’t have much data, and for video depending on the problem you might or might not want to analyse individual frames, but the old way of e.g. doing CV by extracting edges and whatnot have been more or less replaced by neural nets


Thank you Wendy!


Is it common for a feature engineering to break down a complex feature into a naive feature and then apply feature engineering on the naive feature?
example 1: Video (complex type) broken down into a list of images (naive type). Apply feature engineering on each image
example 2: Audio (complex type) broken down into frequency domain(naive type). Apply feature engineering on each frequencies.
example 3: IP address (complex type) broken down into approx geo location coordinates(naive type) . Apply feature engineering on geo-location

Soledad Galli

Hello. Sorry WingCode I am not an expert on the field of Video, Audio and Image, so I can’t comment.


No problems Soledad Galli 🙂

Tim Becker

Hi Soledad Galli, thanks for answering our questions 🙂

Tim Becker
  • How do you recommend to treat outliers? What do you think about clipping outliers and when is this a good idea?
Tim Becker
  • How do you deal with feature drift? If I re-train a model and e.g., the average of a feature has changed, would you disregard old data?
Tim Becker
  • How do you investigate seasonality and what features do you use when you find seasonality?
Tim Becker
  • If you have timeseries data with a high frequency and you guess that consecutive data points are highly correlated, how do you check this and would you disregard some of the highly correlated data points for training?
Soledad Galli

Hello Tim Becker, outliers: you can cap the maximum and minimum values, I think this is what I do most often. Or you can remove them from the training data. But you would probably get outliers in the test, live data and then you need to decide what to do with those if you removed them from the train set. If you cap, then that is handled automatically by the feature engineering pipeline. When to cap or to clip depends on the data, and the model that you are training. Tree based models are robust to outliers, so no need to do much about them. Linear models are, so in that case you may chose to remove them. In some cases outliers are important, for example if you are investigating credit risk and a person has been in court already, it is a bad indicator, yet that happens very rarely, so a positive in that variable is indeed an outlier that you don’t want to remove. You can choose to leave in the model and see what happens or perhaps better to create a rule to treat those cases separately (outside the model). Bottom line, I don’t think there is a single way to treat outliers, it depends on the nature of the data and the outcome we are after, as well as the mathematical models we are using.

Soledad Galli

Feature drift: again, no single answer. Depends on the data, and what you are trying to model. I think the first thing would be to understand why the drift happened and if we expect this drift to hold or if we expect it to go back to original values. Some examples: a drift can happen because the organisation changed a policy, e.g., before it only served people of a certain age, now they serve all segments. Naturally there will be a drift, but that drift is here to stay. So I would probably try and incorporate more data that resembles the new population. Another example, during the 2009 depression debt indicators signaled risk of default. Several years after the depression, people acquire a lot of debt (not that I agree with that economic model) and they did not default. So debt indicator was no longer a signal for risk of default. What do you expect to happen in the next 5 years? a crisis, say a pandemic? then you could model using the old data. Stability? then I would discard the old data.

Soledad Galli

My examples are a bit easy and binary, but I guess you get the yest :)

Soledad Galli

Seasonality inspection, I think visual inspection + domain knowledge is what is done more often. If your features have seasonality you can create new features capturing aspects of that seasonality (regression in time, seasonal dummies, seasonal lag). I have not done that myself, so you need to come back with that questions in a few weeks from now if you would like more details, because we are preparing a new course on the topic :)

Soledad Galli

You can check autocorrelation with autocorrelation plots. I am not sure I would disregard data. I think you can apply filters to decrease a bit the variation if it is too much so that the autocorrelation is to high at some points, and also create lag features to capture that correlation and use it to your advantage if you want to forecast.

Sandhya G

Soledad Galli What are some suggestions on dealing with large number of features which do not have any physical significance. Few things to think of

  1. Use lasso to select features
  2. Remove features that have low variance (for floating point data)
  3. Remove features that are highly cross correlated
  4. PCA
    Anything else?
    Specifically, this is a chemistry problem, predicting properties using chemical structure of the molecule. There are established packages like RDKit which dump a 1000s of descriptors for each molecule.
Soledad Galli

You can remove constant or quasi-constant features, for example with this class of Feature-engine:

Soledad Galli

On the same line, sometimes features are duplicated or we introduce duplication after one hot encoding, which can be removed with this other class:

Soledad Galli

Similarly to Lasso we can use the importance derived from trees to remove less relevant features, one implementation of this is the boruta algorithm, but it can also be done manually with the SelectFromModel from sklearn for example passing RandomForests or other tree based method

Soledad Galli

you can perform recursive feature elimination or addition. Shuffle features and determine performance drift. The possibilities are endless… ok maybe not endless but there is quite a bit out there.

Soledad Galli

Here are the methods supported by Feature-engine:

Soledad Galli

And I discuss all of this in another course that you can find on udemy on this link:

Soledad Galli

I have not worked on chemistry problems myself, so I am not sure if people in this field are doing something more specific.

Sandhya G

Thank you for the pointers Soledad Galli! I will check out the resources

Nikhil Shrestha

Hi Soledad Galli
I am putting my question in 4 steps:

  1. Suppose we have some data in CSV and we want to make graph structure or visualization using this data
  2. I was thinking of making certain column heading as vertex and the values inside column as edges.
  3. For this we can use DictVectorizer to create numerous columns.
  4. What can we do for numerical data if want to create a graph structure and end result should be explainable to non technical person
    I am presently solving something very similar, so I was thinking of a way out.
    So if this approach is completely wrong please suggest me some direction. 🙏🙂
Soledad Galli

I am not familiar with graph data (nodes, edges, relationships) so I can’t help with this question.

Soledad Galli

Regarding how to present the data to a non-technical audience, I guess it depends on the data, on the project, and what are the key messages to deliver to the audience. Bar plots, line plots, bullets with the key messages. If working with text word clouds.

Soledad Galli

I guess many people in this goupr can probably contribute some ideas, so don’t ne shy :)

Nikhil Shrestha

Thank you again
I was thinking about presenting the audiance in similar fashion as you mentioned here.

Avishek Datta

1. While checking for whether a feature has normal distribution or not, is it necessary to check for the distribution of the Target Variable as well and then transform this Target variable (say, log transform the Target variable)?
2. Again while checking the distribution I observe that one of the features is not normally distributed. So I log Transform it. This is a Predictor variable, now. Now after the entire model has been trained, do I need to use anti-log for that particular feature to take in new feature variables for prediction?
3. Maximum how many transformations can be added in a Pipeline & also a ColumnTransformer?
4. When should one use Winsorization and outlier removal through IQR method? Which is more optimal?

Soledad Galli

For linear regression models, normal distributions in both predictive features and target tend to improve the performance. So I would check the distribution (of both) and if it helps apply a transformation.

Soledad Galli

If you log transform a variable, and then train a model, whenever you make a prediction using new / raw data, you need to log transform that same feature before passing it to the model, because the model learned patterns from the log transformed variable.

Soledad Galli

you would only apply the inverse of the log transform, if for some reason you need to retrieve the original (raw) values of that variable, say to show some results to stakeholders.

Soledad Galli

3) You can add as many transformations as you need. The sky is the limit.

Soledad Galli

4) some linear models are sensitive to outliers, in the sense that can be biased by these observations. You would in general cap outliers if a) you are sure they do not add any value, and b) capping improves model performance.

Soledad Galli

You could cap finding the limits with the IQR, percentiles or mean and standard deviation. The choice depends mostly on the variable distribution. IQR returns more representative limits when we have skewed variables.

Avishek Datta

Thanks for the answers

Avishek Datta

5. After applying discretization on a feature, is it necessary to check for the skewness of the discretized feature and then transform it, if necessary (say log transform or root transform?

Soledad Galli

There are discretization methods that already, by definition, return intervals that are homogeneously distributed, for example equal frequency discretization. I would apply these methods instead of discretizing into something that is skewed and then transforming the variable further.

Shankar Somayajula

Hi Soledad Galli.. Thanks for taking questions.
Using the fraud model as an example, once users of your model see the results of latest fraud model incorporated and see the benefits e.g. successful identification of fraud instances… How do they respond to gaps in terms of missing fraud? Can they articulate new features which are variations of existing features and see them incorporated w/o an explicit modeling process (via UI or some other post processing activity)? How does one keep the (domain) features updated? Is Iterative development fast enough to respond to real time fraud behavior/events?

Soledad Galli

I think this depends on the organisation. Different organisations may have different procedures. You can have a team of fraud investigators continuously analysing the landscape and creating new features or new rules I would better say. The data scientist could be performing data analysis on recent data and seeing if something new comes up. I think continuously monitoring of the landscape evolution is probably key. And then, you could combine different models to try and detect different aspects of fraud.

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