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DataOps for Dummies

by Justin Mullen, Guy Adams

The book of the week from 13 Sep 2021 to 17 Sep 2021

DataOps describes a novel way of development teams working together collaboratively around data to achieve rapid results and improve customer satisfaction. This book is intended for everyone looking to adopt the DataOps philosophy to improve the governance and agility of their data products. The principles in this book should create a shared understanding of the goals and methods of DataOps and #TrueDataOps and create a starting point for collaboration.

Questions and Answers

Guy Adams

Thank you Alexey Grigorev! I’m around all week to answer any questions about DataOps, bringing Agile principles, automation and CI/CD to Data Warehousing - fire away!

Matthew Emerick

Hey, Guy Adams! Thanks for doing this.
How important is it to establish DataOps from the beginning of a new product?

Guy Adams

Matthew Emerick - great question! Most of the people I work with already have something in place and want to retrofit DataOps to their current ways of working. However, much like DevOps and CI/CD for software, it’s always easier to “start as you mean to go on” and build DataOps in from day 0.

Matthew Emerick

What do you think is the greatest obstacle in establishing DataOps in an older, larger company?

Guy Adams

If you’d have asked me maybe 2 years ago I would have said the biggest obstacle would be the die hard data veterans - people with 30 years of experience saying “well that’s not how we do things”. The reality has been quite the opposite - those people are saying “thank goodness, I’ve been waiting for this to come along for years”. In a larger company, maybe the biggest obstacle is how the teams are organized and work is done. Inevitably teams are organized around the way that they work (or are forced to work). When a new, better way appears, it can be hard for larger organizations to adopt this quickly. That said, we are working with some of the largest organizations in the world, and they are 100% committed to this sort of transition, because of the benefits they get as a result.


Hi Guy Adams, thx for being here. I hear SPC as an important component for DataOps, in particular as introduced by Demming. I wonder if you (or other authors) have studied other Quality COntrol Gurus (Juran, Ishikawa, Crosby) and tried to introduce their ideas to DataOps?

Guy Adams

Toxicafunk - thanks for the great question. Actual in the world of DataOps, much like Software DevOps, the Statistical Process Control, while very important is actually very simplistic in it’s requirements. In simple terms if very rarely more complex that “only execute D if and when A, B and C have completed successfully”. Therefore the deeper science of Quality Control is rarely needed. What is important and unique in DataOps is how we determine that “A has completed successfully”. In traditional DevOps or CI/CD this is simply based on a return code from a function/module i.e. the piece of code itself tells you whether it was successful or not e.g. the software compiled without errors or it didn’t. In the Data world things can be a little bit different e.g. a software ingestion job MAY return a successful return code that indicates it had no failures, but does this mean that it has done what we EXPECT. If we are ingesting sales data every day and we know even on the worst day we get over 1000 sales records and the sales ingestion job just ran and loaded 2 rows, while the process may call this a success, we have additional information we can apply to post ingestion testing above this to determine that we didn’t get the minimum we expect and therefore to stop the pipeline. I’m interested to hear what you think about the work of such people applies to data as I’m always interest to hear other perspectives!


I’m a complete noob on dataops which is why your book interests me, but I’ve heard it described as the intersection of DevOps, lean Mgmt, agile methodologies and data analytics. So I thought maybe Ishikawa’s quality circles would play well with the agile component and following your example of a successful job but with less rows than expected… That sounds like maybe a fish diagram could play some role. Hence my question 😸

Alexey Grigorev

What’s dataops? 🤔


Related: how do you distinguish it from data engineering?

Guy Adams

I think I can answer both questions at the same time. DataOps is to Data Engineering as DevOps is to Software Engineering. Software Engineering is the process of actually writing software - lines of code. DevOps is the processes and technologies around how the complete piece of software is built, tested and deployed. DevOps supports Software Engineering and makes Software Engineers far more agile and efficient - they can make some changes and have an entire version of the software (including their changes) built and tested, including automatically building the correct environments etc. DataOps is exactly the same for Data. Data Engineering is still required, but DataOps takes all the manual heavy lifting around building environments, getting test data, doing all the automated testing etc and, assuming everything works as expected, deal with the review, promotion and ultimate deployment into production.

Tony Gunawan

Hi, Guy Adams. Thanks for being here. Is it an overkill when I want to design the data warehouse to maintain the enormous data that will happen in the future in the company when the current data is not as big as imagined? For example if the company has only 10k-20k of data as of now and use the Hadoop-like design system with big data in mind to handle those current data?

Guy Adams

Firstly I wouldn’t be advocating a Hadoop-like design for data volumes of any size - it’s a fairly dated and very expensive and VERY complex approach compared to something like Snowflake. In terms of DataOps overkill - if done right, a DataOps project can be very simple and cost effective/show a good ROI for a project of any scale. In many ways if you are starting small but knowing you are doing to grow - that’s the perfect time to implement DataOps as you have some time to learn and get everything the way you want it before the data volumes explode. Ask a professional Software Engineer the very first thing they do before they write a single line of functional code in a new project - they setup their DevOps and CI/CD system - no matter how bit of small the project is. Starting this way is always a great investment for the future.

Tony Gunawan

Great. Yes, I learned a lot about CI/CD implementation from software engineer like using micro services to handle things so it can be scalable, and interesting point when you said that the perfect time to implement DataOps is when you start from small (aka scratch) environment so you can be more “creative” to design and implement it, Thanks, Guy Adams. Cheers!


Is it easier for a DevOps professional transition to DataOps or a Data Scientist professional to transition into DataOps?

Guy Adams

Great question. In the early days of DevOps, DevOps professionals didn’t exist - they ‘converted’ from a variety of disciplines - Software Engineers, Sys Admins even Project Managers. DataOps is in the same place - the pioneers becoming DataOps champions are coming from a variety of places, but of course some will have a slightly easier time in the transition. The most typical path into a DataOps Engineer is from someone historically a Data Engineer, but with some coding/automation background. However a DevOps professional (who typically has some passable database knowledge) is going to have a pretty easy time of it. The Data Scientist is harder to predict since I have worked with a lot of Data Scientists who have very different skill sets - however I would say it’s a less obvious transition that the others.


Thank you Guy Adams for the great answer!

Yash Khandelwal

Why we need the DataOps ?

Guy Adams

If you are working in the Data/Analytics space and you enjoy building everything manually, having no automated testing, having no integration between systems, being very slow to respond to business requests and having very little governance - then you don’t. However is you want to have the same Agility, Speed, Automation etc as Software Development has enjoyed for 20+ years then you absolutely want DataOps.

Tim Becker

Hi Guy Adams, thank you for answering our questions!

Tim Becker
  • I saw in your book that you mention good collaboration as crucial. Could you provide some advice on how to best collaborate in data centric teams. I mean how to design a framework that helps with better collaboration.
Guy Adams

Tim - collaboration requires three main things - overall philosophy, the right technology and the right team structure. One of this biggest thing people seem to struggle with is that no amount of technology can mitigate the need for people to actually talk and work together. The goal of technology in this situation is to support people working collaboratively rather than to magically create collaboration. In my experience actually, if you take the technical barriers away, in general people are pretty good, and work quite naturally in a collaboratively way. There is clearly a lot about how you plan your work, structure your team etc - if you are running your teams in an Agile way - this naturally creates collaboration. Technically, by far the best approach, and the one we follow within the is system, is to follow how the software world solved this - using git. Git is a phenomenal tool to allow potentially massive teams (thousands of people) to all go off, do their own thing, work in little teams, but still be able to bring work together in a very controlled way. With this in place, and good Agile methodologies, it’s actually pretty easy.

Tim Becker
  • How much test coverage do you recommend?
Guy Adams

Enough!!! This is very much “how long is a piece of string question” - there is no simple answer. The software world has been measuring test coverage for 20+ years and still can’t agree on this. The way I encourage customers to think about this as an ongoing process rather than a one off activity. When you start out, spend some time about thinking about the most like, or the most business impactful failure modes and add tests for these. I recommend, as a rule of thumb, if you have 5 tests for a table, you are probably in the right ball park. However, much more important than the number of tests is the usefulness of the tests. It’s trivial to add a set of simple tests to every column in a table unique, not null etc - and doing this you can easily create 10s or 100s of tests - but are these really telling you much. 1 really smart test can be worth 100 tests created “for the sake of it”. However you get there, you will eventually go live with a set of tests and they will be imperfect, and issues can slip through. It’s a fact, just accept it. By catching the majority of issues that would have got into production you are already well ahead of most people. Business users are actually relatively forgiving of things like this. What they are NOT forgiving of is repeition. If they report an issue and you fix it - no problem. If that problem reoccurs and they have to report it again - now you have lost trust and credibility. This brings me to the second part - every time you fix a data issue that you didn’t catch, you MUST add the tests to prevent this issue from getting to users again and you REALLY SHOULD spent 10 minutes thinking a) could this same issue occur again in other places - if so lets catch that now and b) could this issue occur in a slightly different form, if so, lets catch that now. This becomes an ongoing process if improving your tests over time and I believe is the best and most pragmatic approach.

Tim Becker
  • How to automate documentation in practice?
Guy Adams

We have this built into out platform - since we have all of the logic about how we build, transform, test etc in the repository, and we have access to the target database itself, we have all the information needed to build a really good set of automated documentation. I’ve added a few screenshots for this. My team host a weekly office hours session: if you’d like to learn more!

Tim Becker

Guy Adams Thank you for answering my questions 🙂 automated documentation seems pretty nice


Hi Guy Adams, thanks for doing this! Regarding overcoming organisational hurdles - have you ever experienced issues between pre-existing DevOps teams and the new DataOps team that an organisation was trying to introduce? For example ownership, best practices etc.

Guy Adams

What I have experienced most is that existing DevOps teams have already regarded/been told “sorry the Data team is special - you have no business here”! Once they actually see an organization start to move towards DataOps and embrace DevOps principles, they are usually very happy. One big warning - if you are starting looking at DataOps, ALWAYS involve your existing DevOps teams - if you don’t, they will see this as a Shadow DevOps initiative and the team that should be your biggest supporters may turn into a barrier. They may well have some corporate requirements you need to adhere to, but these are usually straightforward to adopt. Ownership is usually within the DataOps team, because DataOps is a unique thing, but adopting standard company best practices and standards would come from the DevOps team


Cool, that sounds good advice. As ever, a lot depends on clear and proactive communication.
> ALWAYS involve your existing DevOps teams - if you don’t, they will see this as a Shadow DevOps initiative and the team that should be your biggest supporters may turn into a barrier
…well said.

Timur Kamaliev

Hi Guy Adams, thanks for your detailed answers!
I noticed that for the past 2-3 years, there has been an explosion of different terms related to the world of IT operations (DataOps, MLOps and more). Do you think this trend will stay in the future? And will the business be interested in this and in specialists from such areas?

Guy Adams

Great question. I believe when there is new concepts, there becomes an explosion of concepts, terms (and with a lot over overlap, duplication, contradiction) etc and then overtime some of these coalesce and become a better defined and more standard thing. For example I consider MLOps as a subset of functionality within DataOps. As the tools become easier to use and the areas become better defined, most organizations won’t need separate specialists for say DataOps, MLOps etc - one team will be able to handle all of these. I don’t think the wider business will care about any of this - they just want the Data team to be able to deliver quickly, reliably and with good governance!

Jeanine Harb

Hi Guy Adams, thanks for taking our questions!
In my few years of experience as a data engineer, I’ve found that the most complicated aspect about testing data pipelines (and overall dataops) is the fact that data models constantly shift (schema changes, different needs…). It is quite time-consuming to adapt automated tests. What would you recommend to simplify this process?

Guy Adams

You are very welcome. You are absolutely right - when everything is shifting rapidly, keeping tests lined up can be hard. I have a few recommendations here:

  1. Ensure that your tests are stored in the same git repo as your actual configuration and code so that as you make changes and deploy them - the functional changes and tests are deployed together
  2. Ensure that your tests are defined in the same place, right along side your functional logic. If you have the data modelling defined in one place and the tests in a different place it’s virtually impossible to keep them in sync. BTW the same here applies to Grants are permissions - if you define them right along side the functional code is MUCH easier to manage and MUCH harder to make mistakes.
  3. Deploy your actual functional changes using an automated declarative approach like the Snowflake Object Lifecycle Engine in the DataOps platform - not writing endless ALTER TABLE statements!
Jeanine Harb

Thanks a lot, this is great advice!


Thanks Guy Adams for this book and taking our questions!
Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) is being used by many big organizations for operating large software systems. Similar to class SRE implements DevOps (as mentioned in this blog), what is your thought on class DRE implements DataOps DRE-> Data Reliability Engineering with metrics like SLIs/SLOs and SLAs for all data/pipelines related tasks?

Guy Adams

Very forward thinking question! I’ve never really come across the term DRE in the real world yet - but I like it a lot. I think some of this is a maturity thing. DevOps took a while to mature before SRE really became a thing - I think full DRE is a little bit down the line for most organizations. However here is one question I always encourage my customers to think about “What is the % availability of your data” - most of them answer very quickly “the uptime of my data platform is 99.99x” - but I challenge them on this. I didn’t ask what the uptime was, I asked what the availability of your data was - by which I mean, what percentage of the time is the the correct data available to the right business users, up to date and provably correct. Virtually no-one is able to measure this today, but I think this sort of metric would be at the core of DRE.

Guy Adams

An add on though - if you search for DRE - you get many more matches for “Database Reliability Engineering” than “Data Reliability Engineering” - I think this is totally missing the point - to me Database Reliability Engineering is focusing on that uptime element. Data Reliability Engineering must have a much broader focus - to get good, valid, provable data in the hands of the users that need it requires many things working on concert - the Database is a critical component, but it is only one part of the puzzle so for me “Data Reliability Engineering” >> “Database Reliability Engineering”


Thanks Guy, for your thoughts.. Yes, I too agree that database reliability engineering is completely missing the broader focus on the dataops.. I like the way you put it.. DB is subset of broader “Data”. Thanks again!

Guy Adams

Thanks all for having me on book of the week - there have been some great and thoughtful questions and I’ve really enjoyed it. Feel free to contact me here or at if you have any further questions about DataOps and I’d be happy to help!

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