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Eight Data Science Slack Communities to Join in 2021

An up-to-date list of active data science slack communities

23 Dec 2020 by Alexey Grigorev

I was looking for active data science Slack communities, but most of the links I found in Google lead to broken Heroku pages, communities that don’t exist anymore, and communities that are inactive or abandoned.

It’s hard to find an up-to-date list, so I decided to fix it and create a list myself.

In this article, I’ll tell you about the communities I’m a part of.

1. DataTalks.Club

At DataTalks.Club you can talk about any data-related topic: analytics, data science, and machine learning. You can also discuss career options and ask for career advice.

There are also weekly events and a podcast.

Instruction for joining: slack.html.

2. MLOps.community

If you want to talk about MLOps and ML engineering in general — that’s the best place on the Internet to do that.

There are weekly meetups and a podcast featuring well-known MLOps experts.

To join, go to go.mlops.community/slack.

3. Locally Optimistic

Locally Optimistic is a very active community of people interested in data and analytics. Also, there are meetups.

Instructions for joining: locallyoptimistic.com/community.

4. DataWithDanny

This community is founded by Danny Ma, a well-known data science expert. You can talk about any data-related topic, and, most importantly, ask Danny any question in the #ask-danny channel.

Instructions for joining: datawithdanny.com.

5. Relevance & Matching Tech

This is the place for discussing practical aspects of search and recommender systems. It welcomes engineers, data scientists, and product managers who want to learn more about it and solve tough problems in this space.

To join, go to http://www.opensourceconnections.com/slack.

6. The AI Guild

From the guild’s website: “the AI Guild is the go-to community for data and business professionals advancing AI adoption”. The Guild’s ambition is to prepare 10,000 data scientists for Europe. But it’s not just for people from Europe, everyone is welcome.

The Guild has regular events, focusing on career development and practical aspects of data science.

To join, go to theguild.ai, then click on “Join the community”.

7. Riga DS Club

From the club’s website: “Riga Data Science Club is a non-profit organization to share ideas, experience and build machine learning projects together. Our goal is to drive progress in the machine learning&artificial intelligence field.”

It’s not just for people from Riga — everyone is welcome (I’m personally not from Riga). The club hosts bi-weekly events.

To join, go to rigadsclub.com/join-us and fill in the form.

8. OpenDataScience

ODS.ai is the largest and the most active community I know of. There are more than 40,000 members, and it’s growing. You can talk about anything data-related there (and non-data related as well).

Most of the activity, however, happens in Russian. There are also some English-speaking channels, so you’re more than welcome to join it.

To join, go to ods.ai/join-community and follow the instructions.


Happy slacking!

Updated on 2021.08.24.

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