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Modeling Mindsets

by Christoph Molnar

The book of the week from 29 May 2023 to 02 Jun 2023

Books on modeling often jump right into math and methods. Drowned in detail, it can take years to appreciate the assumptions and limitations of the various modeling mindsets. Written in a clear and concise style, Modeling Mindsets introduces approaches such as Bayesian inference, supervised learning, causal inference, and more.

After reading this book, you will have a much better understanding of the different approaches to modeling and be able to choose the right one for your problem.

Questions and Answers

Carolina Quiroz Juárez

Hello everyone!
Thank you to the author for his generosity and Francis Terence Amit. I’ve modeled the scheduling problem of battery energy storage systems (BESS) using RL and NN. However, I didn’t pursue using a method as Bayesian inference. How does using the latest may change the problem definition? Is Bayesian inference an appropriate method to solve control problems in Engineering? For instance control of BESS.

Christoph Molnar

Hi Carolina, that’s a great opening question.
In general, I see machine learning as more “solving a task”-focus and it’s less important how the task was solved. The classic statistical inference might put more focus on modeling the distributions of your target/features. Bayesian inference in particular would put more emphasis on modeling the distributions of the parameters involved in the model. So if you’d approach the project more from Bayesian inference “lense” you would automatically get also things like uncertainty quantification for your parameters and interpretable estimates of how input and output relate to each other.
But I suspect you chose RL for a good reason. And that’s also what I talk about in the book: Different mindsets have different strengths and limitations. And RL’s strength is learning to interact within a system. A purely Bayesian inference approach (without any RL) might not solve the same problem.
I also write in the book that these modeling mindsets should be seen as archetypes and in practice you use a mixture of approaches.

Antonis Stellas
  1. How would you describe the current/common mindset for approaching a data project (let’s say a regression problem) and how it would be transformed if we would use a modeling mindset?
Christoph Molnar

Like I defined it in the book, there is always a mindset behind a model.
Because you have to put in some assumptions for your model if you want to use the results.
Person 1 defined a performance metric, benchmarked a couple of models, the linear regression model shows the lowest error on the validation data.
Person 2: You want to know how feature X influences target Y. You include in the regression model all the confounders for the relation between X and Y.
Even though person 1 and person 2 used a linear regression model, they came from different mindsets and used different assumptions. Person 2 may interpret the coefficient for X as causal effect. Person 1 can make clear statements about what they would expect for the performance of the model.
Person 1 in this case came from supervised ML mindset and person 2 from causal inference.

Antonis Stellas
  1. Do you think that a dataset is basically a model? a model that describes our project/problem (in a particular snapshot of time or range of time)
Christoph Molnar

A dataset alone doesn’t constitute a model. Data is often noisy and high-dimensional and most information in it will be irrelevant to the problem that you want to solve.
You need models to make data usable. As definition for “model” the book used: “a mathematical model that consists of variables and functions”

Djordje Benn-Maksimovic

One of my professors once described “model” with the analogy of a map: it is useful precisely because it abstracts from / simplifies reality and focuses on those features of reality that are relevant to the problem you’re trying to solve.
I liked that analogy.

Djordje Benn-Maksimovic

Assuming that the later chapters are also about mindsets: How does e.g. deep learning differ from machine learning as a mindset?

Christoph Molnar

Ah good question, as I myself was torn whether or not to include it as its own mindset.
Because why should neural networks be a “mindset”, but SVMs or trees are not?
It’s the only chapter where the mindset emerges from the use of a specific type of model, in this case the neural networks.
I think it’s worth exploring deep learning as a mindset because if you only use neural networks, it shapes a lot how you approach a project:

  • Deep learning encourages modeling tasks end-to-end: from raw data to the final outcome. No feature engineering, complex pipelines, etc.
  • An emergent property of neural networks is embedding: the learned weights of a neural network store useful information that can be used in feature engineering (like word embeddings) to initialize other neural networks or generate insights.
  • Deep learning comes with a high modularity which makes it possible to custom-build a model for a use case.
    All these properties make deep learning a coherent framework for modeling.
    The modeler doesn’t have to “leave” neural networks to solve a task.
Djordje Benn-Maksimovic

Thank you!

luca pugliese

A better understanding of the meaning of modeling mindset, in particular, the possibility to categorize them as I undrstand it is done in the book, could be a valid aid in model interpretability tasks? Moreover, can be useful also for other important aspects of ML like results explainability, model obervability, fairness?

Christoph Molnar

I would say that interpretability is just one aspect of the modeling mindsets.
For classic statistical modeling, interpretability is in focus and often there is a mapping between a coefficient (weight) in a model and something in the “real world”. Like a parameter for how a treatment affects the predicted disease outcome.
Machine learning on the other hand is more driven to solve a task based on some performance metric – what the model looks like and whether it’s interpretable or not is then irrelevant.
But that’s only for archetypes of mindsets. An archetype is the extreme, pure form of something. I myself come from a background of both (mostly frequentist) statistics and later also machine learning. So the other book I wrote, Interpretable Machine Learning, I would say is somewhere in between these archetypes.

Yuanwei Xu

While it is interesting to explore different modelling mindsets, isn’t it true that data also dictates the kind of models? For example if the task involves images, texts or other unstructured/semi-sturctured data, it is probably best approached by deep learning methods, this is a modelling mindset driven by data and task. In general, where do you see data-centric AI fit into this?

Christoph Molnar

I agree with that. Same goes for certain tasks that are better solved with a certain mindset. If your goal is to make a prediction, unsupervised learning shouldn’t be your go-to approach (although could be used for things like feature engineering).
Image data, for example, is much better approached with deep learning than anything else. In theory you can use non-deep learning approaches which was done in the past. But then you need hand-crafted features and so on and it just doesn’t work as well as deep learning does.
For the other part: I didn’t know the term data-centric AI, so I had to look it up. For the book, I included only mindsets where some type of model is part of it. My first impression is that it’s mostly used in supervised ML settings (correct me if I’m wrong). So my first intuition would be to categorize this with supervised ML.

Yuanwei Xu

Thank you for your answer. The term was first described by Andrew Ng, basically it argues that before looking at algorithms, one should focus on improving the quality of data. And indeed it has been used in supervised settings like identifying and correcting inconsistencies in labeled data.


Hi Christoph! What is the best way to reach you if we would like to see your book translated and published in another language?



Christoph Molnar

I sent you an e-mail

luca pugliese

I am intrigued by approaches combining more than a type of mindset, how and if this can be beneficial for the analysis, in particular to increase the robustness of a model outcomes. Can You tell us, as an example, which are the adavantages of doing a conformal prediction instead of a simple punctual prediction in a supervised classification problem? And when is advisable to do conformal predictions instead of predictions?

Christoph Molnar

Conformal prediction is a method for quantifying uncertainty in the form of prediction sets/intervals. I would see conformal prediction as a mixture of frequentist inference and supervised ML mindset, because the interval has a frequentist interpretation and conformal prediction also takes ideas from supervised ML.
You can always do both: Get the most likely prediction and the prediction set/interval.
A concrete example: You automatically classify financial transactions for banking customers, like “restaurant”, “rent”, … When the classifier is unsure (based on some threshold), you could ask the customer to classify it. But instead of showing them all options, you could show them a set of transactions that contains the right class with (on average) with 95% probability

luca pugliese

Thank you. Useful example. :thank_you:

luca pugliese

Thanks to Christoph Molnar for the interesting subject proposed in his book!

Christoph Molnar

Thanks everyone for participating. 🙏
I enjoyed your questions and hope I could provide meaningful answers.
If you are interested in the print version of the book, you can find it on Amazon.

Rizdi Aprilian

With the advent of semi-supervised learning, in which that unsupervised learning merges together with supervised learning to alleviate the issue of limitation of labeled data availability, are there some feasible ways to do some changes on mindset or maybe joining both mindsets together is more than sufficient for this problem?

Christoph Molnar

A big problem in supervised ML can be that it’s difficult or expensive to collect labels. But if you otherwise have lots of unlabeled data, semi-supervised learning is a good approach.
I suppose “this problem” again refers to lack of labels? Another approach is self-supervised learning where you learn to construct X from X (very simply speaking). But self-supervised learning is often categorized as unsupervised learning as well.

Rizdi Aprilian

My apology for not referring the problem you mentioned, so yes this points to the label lacking issues.
Following your response, I think seeing semi-supervised case with the perspective of unsupervised learning mindset could be more suitable.

Ajay Kumar

Hi Everyone… my question is how different modelling mindset works for the different domains or industries to solve there business problem…?

Christoph Molnar

I tried to describe the modeling mindsets so they are independent of the industries and domains.
But part of the mindset is that they are a bit like cultures. So in certain domains one mindset mind dominate. But also for the reason that the different mindsets have different strengths and limitations.
But in general I would say it’s mostly task-dependent. If you want to analyze data to make a decision, frequentist inference might be a good approach. And this approach is both used in medicine to test whether a treatment works better than another treatment. But also in many other industries and the approaches used can be very similar.

Tim Becker

Hi Christoph Molnar, I know I am a little bit late. I hope you still consider to answer my questions.

  • Can you elaborate on the concept of the “T-Shaped Modeler”? How does this idea relate to the different mindsets discussed in your book?
  • Are there any common misconceptions about these modeling mindsets that you’d like to clarify?
  • Can you provide examples of successful implementations of these modeling mindsets in real-world scenarios?
    Thank you very much 🙂
Christoph Molnar

T-Shaped modeler: A modeler that is an expert in a few mindsets (depth), but has at least a little bit of knowledge of the others (breadth). In the book I write that this is the most feasible form. Because being an expert in all mindset is difficult. But if you only know one, then you might often reach walls in projects and you might not even know that it’s because of limits of your current mindset.
One misconception I see is to equate a model or method with only one mindset. So someone might say “logistic regression isn’t machine learning, it’s statistics”. And that’s an unhelpful approach to think about modeling. Because you can end up with a logistic regression model when you approach the model with a frequentist mindset, but also when you used supervised ML mindset. But in both cases the use and interpretation of the model would differ.
Any model comes from some mindset. So any application of modeling data is a real-world application of a mindset. It’s just not often explicit which mindset was behind the modeling. And often in real-world scenarios a mix of mindset is used. For example in a successful project you might build a prediction model (supervised ML) but you also got some insights through clustering (unsupervised ML) and you also tested your sample whether there are significant differences between certain groups (frequentist inference).

Tim Becker

thank you four your answers 🙂

Alexey Grigorev

I remember seeing your post on LinkedIn about using GPT for writing this book. How did you use it and how much of the content is written/edited by GPT?

Christoph Molnar

When I wrote this book only GPT-3 was available. So the only thing I used was to get inspiration for the short stories that are at the beginning of each chapter.
I used GPT-4 a lot more for the book I’m currently writing (about Shapley values). But mostly for editing the book, like fixing grammar and shortening sentences a bit.

Alexey Grigorev

Thank you!

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