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Effective Data Science Infrastructure

by Ville Tuulos

The book of the week from 27 Sep 2021 to 01 Oct 2021

Effective Data Science Infrastructure: How to make data scientists more productive is a hands-on guide to assembling infrastructure for data science and machine learning applications. It reveals the processes used at Netflix and other data-driven companies to manage their cutting edge data infrastructure. In it, you’ll master scalable techniques for data storage, computation, experiment tracking, and orchestration. You’ll also learn how to collaborate with data scientists to deliver exactly what they need to succeed.

Questions and Answers

Alper Demirel

Hi Ville Tuulos, thank you for being with us.
In order to be successful in a data science project, the infrastructure we need to set up must have the basic features?

Ville Tuulos

great question! Answering the question is exactly the topic of the book 🙂
“Must” is a strong word since every company (or even every project) has different needs. The most common infrastructure layers are:

  • Integrations to the surrounding data infrastructure - practically all projects need to ingest data.
  • A compute layer that allows you to train models and process data at scale.
  • A workflow orchestrator allowing you to run workflows in production reliably.
  • A versioning system that allows you to version not only code, but also models, experiments, and maybe keep track of data lineage too.
    For prototyping, I am a fan of cloud-based workstations but technically a laptop/desktop will work too. You probably want to run notebooks on the workstation too.
    Depending on the needs of your project, you may need other components like a model hosting solution, specific support for feature engineering, or a distributed training system for DNNs. I think it is a good idea to start first with the foundational layers in any case.
Laura Uzcátegui

Hi 👋,
Will put my questions on this thread.

  1. Is metaflow restricted to be used only with aws? Or does it have integration with other cloud providers?
Laura Uzcátegui
  1. Until what point of having great performance and scalability is recommend it? Is there any trade-off or use case where you will say metaflow should not be used?
Laura Uzcátegui
  1. I have worked previously in ML Platform team, it was fun.
    Our infra/platform was based on collecting data across different services, serialised with avro and encrypt payloads to be send to Kafka.
    Using Apache Flink, we will consume from Kafka, un-encrypt, do aggregations and send it to an encrypted blob store , so that ML Engineers could take it and use it for building models.

    • I have always thought about , if the blob store would make sense in case of big amounts of data, is this something could be done differently?
    • How would you handle the trade off of having to do encryption of your data and reading it fast because you need to handle SLAs with respect to time to response and the overload of encryption itself?
Ville Tuulos
  1. Coming soon! Metaflow will start supporting Kubernetes in a few weeks, which allow you to deploy it to other clouds (we tested it with Azure). We are actively working on to support e.g. Azure Object Storage natively.
Ville Tuulos

Could you rephrase your question about performance? I am not sure if I got it

Ville Tuulos
  1. Re: when not Metaflow. Here are some good reasons for not using it:
    • You use primarily JVM-based languages. Metaflow works well with Python, R, and extensions written in C/C++. There’s probably too much friction if you want to use it with Java/Scala/Clojure.
    • Your use cases are all based on streaming data. Metaflow is quite batch-centric as of today. If you need only online learning and low-latency data, Metaflow isn’t the right tool. However, Metaflow can work with with e.g. real-time predictions and streaming data with batch training, which is a common use case e.g. at Netflix.
    • You have one specific use case that has very specific requirements, e.g. running ML on an embedded device. It is probably better to create a custom solution in that case.
Ville Tuulos

The list is not exhaustive 🙂

Ville Tuulos
  1. Using a blob store could work well in a scenario you described. Netflix uses Kafka and Flink to populate data in S3 (a blob store) very actively. You may want to take a look at Apache Iceberg as a convenient metadata format which works with Spark and Presto/Trino for such use cases.
    There are very high-throughput encrypting libraries available these days, so I doubt it would become a major bottleneck. The upcoming chapter 7 in the book will talk about high-performance data loading, so you can read it for inspiration.
Laura Uzcátegui

Thanks Ville!
Really good points there, previous team was using scala/java for the streaming part and orchestration with golang, as you said , for this use in particular it wouldn’t work.
Looking forward to read and learn from you as author of the book 🙌

Dr Abdulrahman Baqais

Hi Ville. Thank you for writing this most needed book. Few questions as I am going to set up a new DS team:
1) for a new DS lead, What are the skills needed in order for someone to design a good data science process or workflow if they can not use metaflow?
2) Can technical people : senior data scientists set up the process or it is better to be assigned to people with strategic mindset and process-oriented?
3) is CRISP still relevant and useful for data science projects?
4) Is this workflow applicable to deep learning as well?
5) Is there a checklist or a guidelines to know when Netflix metaflow is suitable to my team or not?

Thank you so much🙏 🙏 🙏 :thank_you:

Ville Tuulos

1) The book advocates for a spiral approach like this, which is applicable to all projects whether to use Metaflow or not:

  1. Start with a business problem - what do you need to deliver to make a positive impact in the business.
  2. Do you have data that can be used to reach the desired outcome? Often the answer is “no” or “not quite”, in which case it makes sense to see how to improve the data situation first.
  3. Assuming the data is there, how do you integrate the results to the surrounding business systems and processes, including human workflows, to achieve the desired impact? This is often a really deep question that requires lots of alignment and product management-type work.
  4. Finally when you have a good grasp of the 1-2-3, start thinking about the modeling approach and how to build a process that allows data scientists to continuously improve the model. You can start with something super simple - the first version doesn’t even have to use ML.
    Since you asked about skills, as a DS lead I’d prioritize my work and learning process in the order specified above, 1-2-3-4. Often the instinct is to focus on 4) - the modeling - but it is hard to even choose the best approach without knowing the problem domain well.
Ville Tuulos

2) I think it would be great if data scientists can at least help to define the process, naturally in collaboration with business stakeholders etc.

Ville Tuulos

3) I assume you mean this CRISP. It is really close to the spiral model above, but it seems a bit waterfall-like: Understand->Model->Deploy, which puts too much emphasis on a static deliverable. Coming up with a process that allows you to iterate on models quickly is more important than any single model.
Providing the building blocks for such a process is the reason why you need Effective Data Science Infrastructure in the first place.

Ville Tuulos

4) yeah, DNNs are just models like any other models. I don’t think they change anything about the process, besides maybe putting even more emphasis on scalable data and compute layers.

Ville Tuulos

5) You can find a non-technical checklist in the documentation. Whether it works well in your technical environment is a more nuanced question. I’m happy to follow up here if you want to know more technical details.

Ville Tuulos

great questions, btw! 🤗

Timur Kamaliev

Hi Ville Tuulos and thank you for being here.
I think my questions may be closer to the development. I usually notice that the position of an ML engineer often requires C++ background. But there are almost no mentions of Golang. It’s ok, if we deal with CV (and CUDA is here) or with some embedded system. But what about classic ML area? From my point of view, it’s quite strange, especially for all the relative advantages and comparable performance of Go in comparision with C++. All the experienced SW engineers I know, who are dealing with highload in production, switched on to the Go for 3-4 years ago. Do you think that it concerned with some infrastructure restrictions? Or DS/ML area is a couple of steps behind?

Ville Tuulos

I think Go is a great language but it has weaknesses when it comes to ML/DS use cases. It makes sense to implement low-level computational kernels in C or C++, since you want to control memory carefully and optimizing the last bit of performance matters. Due to its design, Go has exceptionally high overhead when calling C/C++ libraries (the infamous CGo overhead), so it is actually harder to use Go with ML libraries than, say, Python. This issue applies equally to classic ML (think XGBoost or LibSVM) as it does to DNN.
In the future, there’s likely going to be a relatively small number of engineers building low-level libraries who will need to use C/C++ for performance reasons. In contrast, the vast majority of ML engineers and data scientists can use a high-level language like Python that delegates all heavy lifting to a low-level library like Tensorflow.
While Go is a superb language for systems software, I am not sure where it lands in the DS landscape: It is too slow for computational kernels and too low-level and hard-to-integrate-with for high-level work 🤔

Timur Kamaliev

My second question also about development. Let’s suppose that our ML service was developed on FastAPI/Flask and packed into a docker. And one day we faced with a performance problem in production due to an increased load. Assume that we have already done all the tricks with code optimization and so on, and now it’s time to make more serious steps. We have two ways:

  • to configure the required number of docker containers and additionally write a special load balancer that will interact with these containers;
  • or just take and rewrite the entire project in C++ (or another faster language).
    So, which option would be more preferable in terms of infrastructure and costs? :thank_you:
Ville Tuulos

Here’s how I understand your problem as a hierarchy of three levels:
[ Microservice (Flask)<br /> [ Query endpoint<br /> [ ML Model ]<br /> ]<br /> ]
What’s causing the slowness?

  1. ML Model -> Producing inferences take too long, so it is a model architecture problem. If the model is e.g. a DNN model, you can use a project like Apache TVM/OctoML to try to optimize it.
  2. Query endpoint -> Since you are using Flask, I presume you are using Python. Maybe you are doing some non-trivial preprocessing of data in Python that’s slow. You might be able to refactor the code to be much faster (see the upcoming Chapter 5 in the book!) but in some cases it can get tricky, which might be a reason to consider another language.
  3. Microservice -> Scaling microservices to handle an arbitrary queries-per-second is a common problem which is not specific to ML. Maybe you can use existing techniques to make it more scalable.
    Chapter 5 also talks about the difference between scalability and performance. In this case, levels 1 and 2 might have performance issues and level 3 a scalability issue. Often it is easier to solve a scalability problem (just add more machines!) than it is to solve a performance problem (reimplement everything in C++), so I tend to bias towards solving the former, if possible.
Timur Kamaliev

Ville Tuulos Thanks for your detailed answers 👍

Prasad Paravatha

Hi Ville Tuulos, my question is about different Distributed training options successfully implemented.
To be more specific what are our options for Distributed training on Kubernetes vs Distributed training on non-Kubernetes?

Ville Tuulos

interesting question. It would be useful to understand what type of distributed training you have in mind: Do you want to train a huge model that is too big for any single machine to handle (model parallelism) or do you want to train a medium-size model that fits on a single box using a huge amount of data (data parallelism)? Or do you want to train many independent models e.g. with different parametrizations? There are different solutions for each use case.
For the non-Kubernetes case, you could look into a solution like Sagemaker’s Distributed Training service. For K8S, Determined.ai is one option (it works nicely with Metaflow too). Or you could roll-out your own solution using e.g. Horovod.
We are actively working on distributed training and K8S use cases - it is definitely a non-trivial problem, so happy to share more details if you are interested 🙂

Prasad Paravatha

Hi Ville Tuulos My 2nd question: Python and R are very popular in Data science and Machine Learning community
In your experience, What are some other programming languages which have potential to be suitable for DS/ML?

Ville Tuulos

When choosing a programming language for DS/ML, I’d consider

  1. Existing library ecosystem. Unless you are in academia, you probably don’t want to implement modeling libraries from scratch.
  2. Low-overhead interfacing with C/C++ libraries (more details in this thread https://datatalks-club.slack.com/archives/C01H403LKG8/p1632733036461900)
  3. Expressive, supports rapid iterations, and can handle even complex, messy business logic.
    Obviously Python and R score really well on all the points, 1, 2, and 3. Julia is promising but its library ecosystem is still behind Python and R. JVM-based languages have a problem at least with 2, these days with 1 too. There are less mainstream languages that support 2 and 3 really well (D, Nim etc) but they are sorely lacking on 1.

Hello Ville Tuulos. Thank you for writing this great book. I have a question: What fundamentals and How much can I take for starting a data science infrastructure career ?

Ville Tuulos

thanks 🙇
You could approach a career in DS infra from different angles, depending on your personal interests and background. This may count as <#C01F53D373M|shameless-promotion> but I can answer your question in terms of the four “roles” we have open at my DS infra company (feel free to apply 😛) :

  • Systems engineer angle: Learn about Computer Science, operating systems, distributed systems etc. The CS fundamentals are very useful when building infrastructure for ML/AI.
  • Cloud angle: I believe that a vast majority of ML/AI workloads will be run in the cloud (as they already are). Systems like AWS are huge and complex enough that you could just focus on learning about VPCs, Placement Groups, Spot Instances, Auto-Scaling Groups, CI/CD systems, and various higher-level services - not to mention Kubernetes. Infra companies will be competing fiercely to hire you with this skillset.
  • Product design angle: I also believe that the more our field advances, the more people will matter over machines. Often, optimizing the productivity of data scientists is more valuable than optimizing the performance of a piece of code. There’s a hugely important emerging field of ML User Experience and UX of ML tools themselves.
  • AI/ML angle: Getting exposed to various ML/AI problems in the real-life is the best way to understand pain points that infrastructure needs to solve. Knowing libraries like PyTorch or even Pandas inside-out allows you to understand how to improve them, or maybe build better libraries altogether. Many people in this field are here to scratch their own itch.

Thanks a lot for your helpful detailed answer 🙏

Alexey Grigorev

What do you think of data versioning? Is it always worth the troubles?

Ville Tuulos

while it is a good idea, as long as commonly used data warehouses don’t support versioning as the first-class citizen, it is hard to claim that it is always a good idea. It takes effort to implement it today.
While snapshotting bulk input data can be tedious, snapshotting and versioning smaller data like the internal state of workflows and especially metadata and metrics is a really good idea and not too hard, which is why Metaflow does it out of the box.

Ville Tuulos

here’s an exploration of what a full data versioning solution could look like https://www.dolthub.com/blog/2021-04-12-metaflow-dolt-integration/

Alexey Grigorev

Also curious, did you have cases when you wished you had it, but you didn’t?

Ville Tuulos

all the time 🙂 For instance, Netflix has a custom-built Fact Store (aka a versioned datastore) for data points feeding into the recommendation system. However, it only supports that one use case well.
It would be great to have a similar solution for all use cases but building a universal fact store is hard, so even Netflix doesn’t have it. I am optimistic that it will become a default feature in all modern data warehouses eventually, since cloud storage is so cheap.

Ville Tuulos

at small scale you can use tools like dvc.org and pachyderm.com but a challenge to any larger company is that your whole data infrastructure and governance policies should work well with versioned data, so it is hard to adopt point solutions


Hi Ville Tuulos,
For an organisation starting to build their ML infrastructure, do you suggest adopting cutting edge tools from the start (ex: Kubernetes for training, inference) or adopt simpler tools (ex: Using airflow to schedule jobs in spark on YARN) then gradually move onto adopting cutting edge tools?

Ville Tuulos

there are of course many things to consider - what are the needs of the business / environment overall - but in general I’d recommend starting with managed systems, so you can maximize the time spent on ML and minimize the time spent on infrastructure.
This is the reason why Metaflow integrates with AWS Batch today, which is probably the easiest way to run compute in the cloud with minimal maintenance headache. For orchestration, AWS Step Functions plays a similar role. They provide a managed Airflow these days too.

Ville Tuulos

The main reason why things like Kubeflow exists, and why Metaflow is integrating with Kubernetes too, is that businesses have other, non-ML reasons to use Kubernetes and it is certainly convenient to use a single system that engineers know how to operate, instead of having a wholly separate underlying compute layer for ML.
In general there’s a lot of value in making sure that the ML platform integrates well with the surrounding infrastructure. If your ML projects live inside a walled garden, it can make it hard to access data from the outside world effectively and deploy ML to benefit the rest of the business.
Even if the business runs on Kubernetes, I don’t think it should be necessary for data scientists to know Kubernetes (to quote Chip Huyen). It is more of an implementation detail.


Thank you Ville for the answer 🙂

Krzysztof Ograbek

Hi Ville Tuulos. Thanks for being here!
A couple of weeks ago I deployed an ML model for the first time ever. I used Heroku. Are there any other platforms for deploying that are free and available? When does it make sense to pay for such platforms?

Ville Tuulos

congrats for your first deployment! 🎉
If you are testing and tinkering, you could take a look at https://replit.com/site/hosting which is possibly even a simpler approach than Heroku.

Ville Tuulos

for more serious use cases you can consider https://cloud.google.com/appengine

Ville Tuulos

unless you deploy complex deep neural networks that require e.g. GPUs for inference, you probably don’t need a dedicated ML hosting solution.
If you are curious what an ML-specific solution could look like, you can see e.g. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/latest/dg/how-it-works-deployment.html

Ville Tuulos

non-ML specific hosting solutions tend to be quite cheap, so paying maybe $10/month just for the convenience of someone managing it for you seems like a good deal.

Ville Tuulos

I wouldn’t pay a lot of money unless the model produces a lot of money 🙂

Krzysztof Ograbek

Wow, thank you so much Ville Tuulos You wrote way more than I expected

Wendy Mak

Hi Ville Tuulos what are your opinions on using a platform independent tool such as Metaflow/MLFlow vs what the cloud providers already has (e.g. Vertex pipelines), assuming costs is not the deal breaker?

Ville Tuulos

great question! I like the idea of being able to use ML tools provided by the cloud. However, for the past many years these cloud-tools have been quite hard to use and constraining, which has motivated the development of systems like Metaflow, MLFlow and many others.
In other words, assuming that cost wasn’t an issue and the cloud tools provided an excellent user experience, using them seems like a good idea. Now, in reality, it seems that many companies find that either one or both of these assumptions not holding well.

Ville Tuulos

a nice thing is that it should be quite easy to evaluate them: Try implementing a real-world ML project (not just a tutorial) on the platform and see how it feels. If the platform works well for your needs and it integrates well with the surrounding business environment, that’s great!

Ville Tuulos

If the evaluation reveals any rough edges or missing features, then you can consider tools like Metaflow, MLFlow etc. which work well with the cloud, so you still get many of the same benefits, hopefully with a more pleasant user experience and more flexibility.

Wendy Mak

if there are things that don’t work so well, but some other aspects are nice, how do you decide at which point you’ll accept the time spent is enough and try another tool?

Ville Tuulos

that’s a tough one. I’d consider the migration cost too. If you have built N projects on a platform X but then find another platform Y better, Y needs to be much better to justify replatforming of the previous N projects. And, how many future projects M are going to be built on the new platform.
Really hard to give a generally applicable answer.

Ville Tuulos

I’d also emphasize thinking how the ML platform can leverage other tooling, talent, and existing expertise at the company (cf. https://datatalks-club.slack.com/archives/C01H403LKG8/p1632933598496200?thread_ts=1632893087.488600&cid=C01H403LKG8)

Tim Becker

Hi Ville Tuulos, thanks for the great book! After reading the first chapter of your book, I would also like to ask you a few questions.

Tim Becker
  • How can I recognise incidental complexity and hot to avoid it?
Ville Tuulos

I :heart: the question! I can start by answering the other side: how do you recognize inherent complexity?
If something seems complex but the complexity is really not in your control, it is inherent complexity in your point of view. For instance, if you are analyzing a dataset that includes text written in Chinese, Arabic, Cyrillic, and Latin scripts, it seems complex but there’s nothing you can do about it - that’s the nature of the world.
On the other hand, if you are asked to develop a system to parse a JSON file but you decided to make it more generic by supporting XML, HTML, and YAML too, the extra complexity seems quite incidental and maybe hardly justifiable - you just decided to do it.
So how to avoid adding complexity deliberately? Keep things simple deliberately. This is the best talk I have seen about the topic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKtk3HCgTa8 (Simple Made Easy by Rich Hickey)

Tim Becker
  • You mentioned that relying on pre-build solutions from cloud providers is not always cost affective. Could you elaborate on this? Which parts of, for example, AWS do you consider more and less cost affective?
Ville Tuulos

The AWS of today is a thick stack of services, building upon each other:

  • At the bottom of the stack you have foundational services like S3, EC2, networking, security (IAM).
  • On top of this, mid-tier, you have databases (RDS, DynamoDB, ElastiCache etc), container management systems (EKS, ECS), EMR, and bunch of other things like CloudWatch.
  • At the top of the current stack you have high-level services like Sagemaker, QuickSight, WorkSpaces, all kinds of things.
    Since most of AWS’ own high-level services are built on lower-level services, higher-level services can’t be less expensive than the low-level services they sit on top of. Often, they are more expensive, sometimes much more. For instance, Sagemaker and EMR charge you the cost of the underlying service (e.g. EC2) plus a margin. Some mid-tier services like ECS and AWS Batch don’t charge a margin on top of the underlying EC2 cost.
    Whether a higher-level service is cost-effective depends on your specific situation. You should estimate the Total Cost of Ownership carefully. In contrast, lower-level services like EC2 and S3 are pretty much no-brainer cost-effective for most use cases (the jury is out on GPU instances…)
Tim Becker
  • Could you give an example of when to use metaflow?
Ville Tuulos

definitely yes:

  • You have many data scientists developing one or more ML projects using Python.
  • You are using AWS already.
  • You are experiencing any of the following symptoms:
    ◦ difficulties with scaling
    ◦ difficulties with deploying or managing workflows
    ◦ friction in collaboration
    ◦ want to get better at reproducibility, versioning, and tracking experiments.
  • You are using other clouds and/or Kubernetes (I’d love you to test our new K8S integration or talk about use cases on Azure/GCP 🙂 ).
  • You are pretty happy with the current setup - no big pain points.
Tim Becker
  • Do you know a way of measuring the quality of data science infrastructure and to determine bottlenecks that should be improved?
Ville Tuulos

here are some questions you can ask:

  • how quickly does a new data scientist become productive with the platform and projects?
  • can you hire and onboard domain experts who are not devops or software engineers and let them focus on being domain experts?
  • how quickly can you iterate on new, experimental versions of end-to-end ML projects (not just the model)?
  • does the platform fail randomly? Do data scientists spend a lot of time waiting compute/data/deployment to happen?
  • can you test different modeling approaches easily and experiment with even bleeding-edge libraries and techniques?
  • how easy it is to deploy new versions of models to production? is it scary? can anyone in the team do it confidently?
  • can you A/B test models and workflows against the production version using live data before promoting them fully to production? Can you analyze the results of A/B tests confidently?
  • how easily can you onboard new data in your projects, e.g. to test new features?
  • do you know what’s happening? Do you know how models are performing?
  • if something fails unexpectedly, can you quickly figure out the root cause, test a fix, and deploy it?
Ville Tuulos

then prioritize the questions based on your specific needs and address the most glaring pain points

Tim Becker

Ville Tuulos thank you so much for answers, Super useful 💯:thank_you:


Warm regards Ville Tuulos - I have a simple question: Who is the target audience for your book? I briefly looked at the TOC and not entirely sure… When the book is finished, will there be any practical tips for DevOps engineers managing/designing data science platforms? Many thanks and enjoy your stay 🙏

Ville Tuulos

if you are a DevOps engineer designing a data science platform, you are very much in the target audience. Metaflow is only used as an example in the book, so you should find it useful even if you use another framework(s).


Hey Ville Tuulos 🙂 Thanks for taking the time. At what stage in companies would you recommend to focus on “effective” infrastructure? In many small startups they focus on delivery whereas in my opinion a solid foundation should be given at all time. Any thoughts on that or is it to individual?

Ville Tuulos

realistically it is probably not the first concern at a new startup. It becomes more relevant once you have a few people (data scientists / engineers) focusing on ML / data science

Ville Tuulos

I wouldn’t wait for too long though, especially with open-source projects that don’t require a huge upfront commitment. In a small startup you have often resourceful people who know that they could do everything by themselves, so there might be a feeling that “we don’t need anything fancy, we can just set up X, Y, Z quickly”.
Especially at a smaller company it is important to focus on the company’s core business and minimize the time spent on generic infrastructure.

Krzysztof Ograbek

Hi Ville Tuulos, thanks for answering my yesterday’s question. As mentioned, I just started deploying ML Models into production. For the next few weeks, my goal is to create small web apps based on flask and react with models making predictions in the backend. In the end, I want to deploy the apps. I’m comfortable with coding but everything else is new to me. So my here come my questions:

  • How can your book help me?
Ville Tuulos

in your case, maybe the biggest help is to show how you can structure the training pipeline and get it running regularly, if you want to update your model automatically. It helps to set up the workflows in a way that makes debugging and further development easier if you keep working on your project.

Krzysztof Ograbek
  • When should I start using Docker? Is it the sooner the better? How can Docker be beneficial?
Ville Tuulos

as we discussed in the thread above, these days you can deploy web apps without Docker, e.g. using Repl.it / Heroku / AppEngine and others. In this sense I don’t think you must use Docker.
If you anticipate that the web app will grow more complex over time and you want to invest energy in it, probably learning Docker is a good idea. It is relatively easy to get started with Docker.

Ville Tuulos

Docker is beneficial for two main reasons:

  1. It allows you to package the whole execution environment, all libraries etc., in a single image.
  2. The image can be executed in various environments.
Krzysztof Ograbek
  • What are the topics I should learn first? Could you recommend any resources?
Ville Tuulos

can you tell more about your project? Do you want to mainly focus on the modeling side or the webapp side?

Krzysztof Ograbek

Hi Ville Tuulos and sorry for the late reply. My main goal is to train ML models and do something more than just evaluate them in a jupyter notebook or similar. This is why Im thinking about web apps. For now I’ve got two ideas how I’d like to bring more value:

  • Educational purposes - let users interactively play with model and it’s input to see how it affects output
  • Create some fun by playing some silly games, eg uploading an image to see if it’s a hot-dog.
    So what is my main focus? I want to learn how to effectively deploy models. In my latest project I’m dealing with memory challenges. They’re completely new to me and I’m really stuck.
    I hope any of this answers your question.
Laura Uzcátegui

Hi Ville Tuulos,
One last question before the round closes :)
In terms of constantly monitoring your models in terms of , for example, accuracy, precision, recall, rmse among all the other metrics for evaluation , I have few questions:

  • How often those metrics should be evaluated ?
  • What platform is used in terms of observability for evaluation metrics of a model in production?
  • Would you say is fair to say if a metric presents a degradation under certain threshold to perform training or refresh of the model?
    What resources would you recommend for learning more about evaluating metrics in production models?
Ville Tuulos

great question! There are many different kinds of monitoring / metrics evaluation involved in production ML.
Monitoring model metrics like precision, recall, RMSE etc. is a good baseline sanity check. Many tools like Weights and Biases, Tensorboard, and of course standard visualization components from e.g. Scikit Learn can help. For more production-oriented monitoring, there are newer services like arize.com and monalabs.io (and many others) which can help.
For models that drive actual business outcomes in production, it is a good idea to focus on monitoring the KPIs that matter for the business rather than just model metrics. For instance, if your model predicts who will click ads, you should measure the actual Click Through Rates (or even better: Cost Per Click) and not just RMSE. For monitoring KPIs, any business analytics tool (Tableau, Mode Analytics etc) will work.

Ville Tuulos

re: refreshing models - in most cases it is a good idea to retrain the model frequently, independent of the metrics, backtest its performance with historical data to ensure that nothing is obviously wrong, and potentially A/B test in production if the use case is sensitive. If you retrain only when the performance degrades, you will suffer from data/concept drift and worsening performance until you hit the threshold. Instead of being reactive, you can be proactive and retrain continuously (e.g. once a day).
Measuring and plotting the delta in model performance day-over-day (or week-over-week etc) is a powerful way to catch issues when you roll out new models (and even when you don’t).

Laura Uzcátegui

Thank you so much for your answer and insights.
Really useful and I enjoyed learning from your experience.
Hope to see you around 😊
Do you have social media or a blog or a place where you share your knowledge ??
All the best Ville Tuulos

Ville Tuulos

you can find me any time at our Slack https://datatalks-club.slack.com/archives/C01H403LKG8/p1633128052035000

To take part in the book of the week event:

  • Register in our Slack
  • Join the #book-of-the-week channel
  • Ask as many questions as you'd like
  • The book authors answer questions from Monday till Thursday
  • On Friday, the authors decide who wins free copies of their book

To see other books, check the the book of the week page.

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