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Graph Databases in Action

by Dave Bechberger, Josh Perryman

The book of the week from 14 Jun 2021 to 18 Jun 2021

Relationships in data often look far more like a web than an orderly set of rows and columns. Graph databases shine when it comes to revealing valuable insights within complex, interconnected data such as demographics, financial records, or computer networks.

In Graph Databases in Action, experts Dave Bechberger and Josh Perryman illuminate the design and implementation of graph databases in real-world applications. You’ll learn how to choose the right database solutions for your tasks, and how to use your new knowledge to build agile, flexible, and high-performing graph-powered applications!

Questions and Answers


Hi bechbd and Josh Perryman - I am assuming that you guys would have covered the application of Graph databases in the book. I have a few questions about it.
Note - This is coming from someone who has little to no idea about the Graph databases.

  1. Do you see any potential in the processes where Graph databases can replace the existing databases?
  2. What areas do you think Graph databases can be useful, which have not yet adopted it?
Josh Perryman

I’ll start with state graph dbs have distinct advantages over other dbs in two ways: 1) developer productivity and 2) technical performance.
On developer productivity - graph databases, and the query languages used for them (Cypher, Apache TinkerPop’s Gremlin, etc…) make relationships first order citizens. This gives developers tools to reason over the relationships directly. In other query languages these constructs either don’t exist or are late additions. Developers with better language tools have better mental models, are able to express those models more clearly, which allows them to code faster, make fewer mistakes, and come up to speed on other’s code more quickly. Since developer time tends to be the most expensive, any gains here usually have a dramatic impact on the bottom line.
On technical performance, for certain types of queries, especially “multi-hop + variable numbers of hops” graph databases can have a dramatically better performance over other databases. In some cases, I have take queries in SQL, translated them to a graph and seen a performance increase up to 100 times faster. This is use-case specific. But there are a whole category of types of queries for which graph dbs excel. This includes recommendation engines and dependency analysis.

Josh Perryman

On 2, the more common problem is people choosing a graph db, then looking for use cases and choosing poorly. 😀


Thanks Josh Perryman for the detailed reply here. This is pretty good explanation for anyone who is new to graph dbs. I have a follow up question though - Which use cases are good to go for graph dbs?


So determining a good graph use case really comes down to knowing the answers to two questions:

  • Does my domain lend itself to using connected data?
  • Are the questions I’m asking leveraging those connections to provide the answer?
    If the answer to both are Yes then you have a candidate use case for graph data. Since graphs are all about utilizing the connections within data. In general good graph use cases do one or more of the following:
  • Navigate (variable) connected data structures
  • Filter or computer the result on the basis of the strength, weight, or quality of the relationships in the data
  • Require traversing an unknown number of connections
    Since graphs/graph databases work fundamentally different than something like a RDBMS when it comes to connections in data they tend to perform better when traversing these connections is a crucial part of the application. Some examples of some good graph questions are:
  • What does this person want to buy?
  • How are these two people/entities connected?
  • Why did X impact Y?
    These sorts of questions are common across so many domains such as recommendation engines, fraud, advertising, life sciences, e-commerce, identity graphs, knowledge graphs, etc.

bechbd - Thanks for answering this question. Definitely helps in getting a better understanding.

Josh Perryman

Thanks Alexey! I have timezone advantage over Dave, so I’ll try to grab the easier questions 😁

Matthew Emerick

Hey, bechbd and Josh Perryman! Thanks a lot for doing this.

Matthew Emerick

Would you recommend learning graph databases or relational databases first in today’s world?

Josh Perryman

I 😍 this question. I strongly recommend understanding relational databases first, and I think that Dave will agree with me on this.
We are big fans of relational databases. They have been around for decades. Every popular one out there is a very mature technology. The performance is astounding for most data use cases. The ecosystems (tools, docs) are expansive. Though ORMs tend to be mature and very helpful, it still helps to understand the data and be able interrogate it directly.
In nearly any job a developer will start in, there is almost certainly going to be a relational database. If you have to have a persistence engine (aka a db of any sort) you are almost certainly best off starting with a relational db because you can find/hire developers with experience.

Josh Perryman

In our book, we actually assume that the reader has experience with relational databases. Several examples in the start begin with a representation in a relational schema with example SQL, before “translating” it to a graph representation. We presume that SQL is the lingua franca of the data world, and in our experience that’s pretty much been the case.


Most of the world runs on relational databases so I agree with Josh that learning relational databases first would be what I would also recommend. I also suggest you then learn the other types of databases (Document/Key-Value/Column Oriented/Graph) and look at the strengths and weaknesses of each. These databases each perform some types of tasks better than others which is why they were created. Understanding these tradeoffs is really a key piece of information to have when trying to decide the best technology to use

Matthew Emerick

How important are graph algorithms in learning graph databases?

Josh Perryman

I see them as two separate concerns. One can do a lot of data engineering and architecture with graph databases with little to no need for understanding graph algorithms. In most cases, developers will use functions already in place rather than code the algorithms for themselves.
There are places where it is nice to know the relative benefits of one approach or algorithm over another, but this usually only comes with performance tuning, and only in the most exceptional of tuning use cases. I’ve worked with dozens of companies on graph db designs and builds, and just about the only time that talk of algorithms would come up would be over 🍻 after a day of writing code and making things work.

Matthew Emerick

How useful are graph databases in graph-based machine learning?

Josh Perryman

bechbd this one is all you


From what I have seen graphs and machine learning tend to work together in three ways.:

  • Graph algorithms - Graph algorithms, specifically ones around cluster/centrality/label propagation/random walks tend to provide some novel insights into data that are not easily achieved using other mechanisms. I have frequently seen where the output from these sorts of algorithms are used as one of the features input into ML models.
  • Embeddings - Graph embeddings are like other embeddings in as much as you are looking to take a high dimensionality space and represent as a low dimensionality vector which maintaining the similarity differences. In graphs these tend to either be node embeddings where the node and its neighborhood/connections are represented or whole graph embeddings.
  • Graph ML - Graph based machine learning is a hot topic in AI as some of the newer algorithms such as Graph Neural Networks allow you to take graphs as input to produce highly effective predictive models, especially when the domain/question are benefitted from the rich connections in the data.
    I actually gave a talk on this last week which should be available on YouTube tomorrow
Lalit Pagaria

Thanks for answering it Dave. Really informative.

Julian Stevens

Can a graph database be implemented alongside my current relational database, i.e., can I create a pipeline between my relational database and a graph database?


This is a very common pattern. Graph databases make a great compliment to relational technologies when the questions being asked leverage the weight, quality, or quantity of connections between entities. I sort of think about it as RDBMS systems are great at handling the “What” questions in an application and graph databases are great at handling the “Where/Why/How” questions. As a colleague once put it to me “RDBMS will tell you how much it costs to buy everyone in the room a beer, graph databases tell you why they chose the beer they are drinking”.
As far as the best way to setup the pipeline between the two that really depends on the tools that the specific vendor has in place. I would say that in most cases I have seen the RDBMS system tends to be the system of record for data (either because its a better fit for many questions or because it was there first) and any data/mutations are sent via either a CDC type mechanisms or by reading from something like a Kafka topic to the graph databases.

David Cox

Very interesting book! Admittedly, I have never really dove into graph databases. What are the advantages of graph databases for data scientists?


I think the advantages for graphs for a data scientist really depend on the domain that they are working in. Graphs (and by extension graph databases) really allow full expressivity of data in domains (e.g. social networks, fraud, supply chain, identity resolution, supply chain optimization, etc.) where the connections between entities are as (or more) important than the entities themselves.
From a data science perspective these sorts of domains often require looking at interdependencies between entities, inferring meaning using connections, and then using these to try and predict behaviors. Because graphs treat these connections as first class citizens in the data they enable data scientists to perform these sorts of tasks faster/easier than before as well as enabling some new techniques/algorithms (e.g. centrality/clustering) that are not really capable of being performed on other database types.

David Cox

This is very helpful!! Thanks!!

Jessie Yaros

Thanks for being here bechbd and Josh Perryman ! I’ve been getting really into graph theory lately, so I love anything about graph databases! I’m wondering if you guys have any preferences in specific graph databases. Do the options out there tend to excel in specific areas that can guide people on how to choose one for specific use cases? I’ve only dabbled with neo4j, because that was the first one I was aware of. But now I know how many options are out there and its overwhelming.


I currently work on the Amazon Neptune team so I am going to steer away from recommending specific databases but I can provide a high level overview on the process I use to evaluate a graph database.
The first thing to think about is if your use case is a good graph use case. I addressed some of the specifics here in the earlier comments so I’ll skip over the details for now.
The next thing I usually think about is if this needs to be a one time or batch type use case or if I need to run the use case many times. If you are only doing this one time or its a batch type process you probably need to take a look at if a graph database is even needed or if you can use something like GraphX/NetworkX to achieve your needs.
If you decide that a graph database is appropriate for your issue then you will want to next decide if you have an RDF or a Property Graph problem. RDF databases are based on triple patterns (subject/object/predicate) and use IRIs to uniquely identify entities in the graph. They are queried by SPARQL (almost exclusively) and are really great at solving issues such as MDM and knowledge graph use cases and are very popular in certain industries such as life sciences/finance. Property graphs consist of nodes/edges/properties and excel at pattern matching and path finding type problems.
Once you have decided on what type of database you are looking at you then need to decide take a look at a variety of factors:

  • OSS vs Commercial - There are advantages/disadvantages on both sides of the fence here but understanding the true cost , skillset, and availability constraints of the team is important to keep in mind
  • Hosted vs On-Premise
  • Managed vs. Self managed
  • Data size
  • HA/Scalability
  • etc.
Jessie Yaros

Thank you for this! A lot to think about.

Jessie Yaros

I also asked Denise Gosnell when she was here, and would love your takes as well - what would the top languages and or tech tools/ frameworks you recommend to become proficient and flexible across uses of graph databases? (I know there seems to be different graph query languages across many databases… so i wonder how transferrable these separate languages are…)


Denise is just awesome.
I mean as far as top languages for development the ones I run across most frequently are Java/Python. As far as query languages/tools, unless you are doing RDF the tooling and languages tend to be very specific to a database. While there are a few open source query languages in the property graph world (TinkerPop Gremlin and openCypher) each database tends to implement their own sub or super sets of these languages (e.g. Neo4j Cypher != openCypher) so its hard to say which one to learn. Generally I think the bigger concept to stride for is to make the shift from thinking about data as tables/columns and start to view it as a network/mind map. This is transferable across any of the different tools and is much more impactful than learning X or Y framework.

Jessie Yaros

bechbd In my PhD work i use graph theory a fair bit, so I’ve gotten uses to thinking in terms of networks! But as you mentioned in the prior comment, my specific use cases have all allowed for the batch approach! So I’ve mostly used networkx and other python/matlab packages for network analysis, though I’m very interested in the database approach for the future. I’ve found there are a lot more advanced algorithms and implementations available in python/R packages/ github repos than I’ve seen in say, Neo4j’s graph data science library. Are there recommended ways of taking portions of networks from graph dbs and porting them into python for use with such packages? Are some dbs perhaps more compatible for this? I realize you may not be able to answer latter question because of Neptune affiliation, but thought I’d see!


Yeah I have no specific knowledge of why Neo has chosen the algorithms that they have chosen but I suspect that its a combination of the computational complexity of running them at large scale and the frequency of use. Something like a graph coloring algorithm is rather computationally complex (O(c^n) or something like that) and is rarely used so putting it into a database would be prohibitively complex for little return on value. To get subgraphs into something like Network X is usually relatively easy in either cypher/openCypher or Gremlin by casting the results to a list of maps and then returning those.

Jessie Yaros

Thank you!

Jessie Yaros

And piggybacking on that, do you think GQL will ever become a thing that helps harmonize use across graph db choice? Or is it more pipedream?


My hope is that GQL becomes a real standard but the adoption of it is yet to be seen. Adoption will depend on vendor support as well as what flexibility it provides for vendor specific extensions (i.e. SQL). I think the reality is that we are multiple years (5ish hopefully) away from this truly becoming a settled standard with wide ranging support

Josh Perryman

I’m part of a “Property Graph Schema Working Group” which is focused on schema part of this question. The group is composed of representatives from academia and industry, including prominent graph database vendors and folks like me: users of the technology.
From my experiences there seems to be a near-universal desire for standardization. This is understood as necessary step in growing the use of the technology. We are moving in the direction of having more generally accepted standards, but the timeline is best thought of in years like Dave indicates.


I’ve noticed data governance tools like Amundsen or Apache Atlas both have GraphDBs as their backend storage system but I’ve haven’t been able to find any deep dive into how our why GraphDBs are useful or desirable for governance. Yes, I kind of get why intuitively, but do you have any insight/specifics on the subject or some useful links?


I think this is mainly due to the flexibility that graphs provide in terms of schema evolution and queryability(if thats even a word). The implicit schema of graphs lends itself to easy ingest of data with differing properties or differing data types for properties in ways that something like a RDBMS would not. The ability to query and trace paths, especially of unknown depth, through data to find its origins is also not something easily achieved in Document or RDBMS databases.


Hey all! How important would you think is graph db knowledge for data scientist? I know that a lot of company let rather their data engineers or others do this work 🙂


I think understanding the fundamentals of graphs and graph databases is important for data scientist to understand how their work fits into the larger picture of productizing the models/work they have done. Additionally, depending on the graph/graphdb/data being worked on it may be easier to retrieve/load data for the projects you are working on from a graph database versus many CSV/Parquet files

Ken Lee

Totally new to Graph DB although have been hearing its name for quite some time. I am a machine learning engineer and just wondering what are the use cases of Graphs in machine learning context? TQ


No problem, I actually put some answers to a similar questions here


Additionally I gave a talk last week on this subject which you can view here

Ken Lee

thanks and appreciate!

Ajay kumar saini

Thanks for being here bechbd and Josh Perryman , I’ve productionized multiple graph database (Agensgraph, Dgraph). One problem I faced in both graphs is the performance of graph traversal queries(connected component size, degree etc.) in highly connected data with large component size. How is it handled in other graph databases? Is the performance of these query degraded in other graph DBs as well given graph has to iterate lots of nodes?


Well I guess there are two parts to this question, the performance of graph traversals on large data sizes and the performance of graph algorithms on large data sizes.
In general the performance of any graph traversal is directly related to the number of vertices and edges that it must touch. The earlier you can add the most selective filters in a query the better off the performance will almost always be. However this does still mean that starting at point a may take X ms while starting at point B may take 2X ms if you have to touch twice as many elements in the graph to get the answer. Many people don’t expect this but it is a very common quality across graph databases. The same is true with non-graph databases but the nature of traversing connected data and the corresponding branching factor at each level seems to amplify this in graph databases.
As for the time to run graph algorithms on large datasets, this tends to boil down to just the nature of the computational complexity of the algorithms themselves. Even the simplest one you mentioned there, degree, requires touching each vertex once and each edge twice. Something like connected components is O(V+E) complexity. In my experience many people don’t understand the complexity of the algorithms and therefore have expectations that no database can meet when it comes to scale and latency of those types of operations. Generally we see people end up with a sort of almost lambda type architecture where they use a batch process to calculate these sorts of statistics/attributes and then save them back into a node/vertex as a property. These properties are then used to serve some sort of real time/transactional use cases

Tim Becker

Hello 🙂 Thanks for doing this. In the introduction of your book you mention that graph databases are good for complex data. Do you have any way of quantifying how complex the data is and which database type to choose based on the complexity?

Josh Perryman

TL;DR: no, I don’t think there’s a way to quantify complexity based just on the data in and of itself.
But I think it is less about the data and more about the questions.
In my present work, and this has held for much of my past years of experience, we chose the data engine based on the question we are asking of the data at different parts of the application. Where we need full descriptions of the objects, we use a relational database. Where we need to work with the relationships between things we use a graph. Where the need is for performance and the data involved in light and slowly changing, we use a cache. Where we’re asking questions of large swaths of the data, some analytics database.
We get into this in the first chapter where we survey *types* of questions and I think it hold here as well. We need to understand the types of questions that are important for users of the data.

Tim Becker

How much knowledge concerning traditional databases do you need to get the most of your book?

Josh Perryman

I think very little is needed, if the intent is to start building software using graph databases.
The main expectation we have is a basic capability in writing software. Most of the book will be opaque to those who don’t have some familiarity with writing and operating simple software programs.
On the data side, we use relational databases, with some SQL, as a connecting point to common developer experience. But this knowledge isn’t essential. If someone has complete an introduction to software development course in a popular language (Java, C#, Python, JavaScript) and has completed one or more non-trivial projects, projects where there’s more than one “section” or “class” or “module” or “function” in the code, then they should be able to follow along reasonably well.
Our target is developers with some level of professional experience, even if they aren’t a full-time software developer. If you have at least 3 months writing code mostly full time in a professional setting, then the book is ideal to quickly expose you to the techniques of working with connected data.

Tim Becker

Do you have any recommendation on how to get started with db in general? Something that would be good to read before starting with your book.

Josh Perryman

SQL, and relational databases, are the language and tools of the data world.
I think it good to be familiar with how relational databases function and there’s so much material for this that I hardly know where to start. I recommend looking around your world and note the following:

  • What databases are in use around me? Common ones are MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL. These are the top 4 on and have been there for many, many years.
  • What programming languages are in use around me? Common ones are Java, C# (.NET), Python and JavaScript. I rather like Python for someone just learning, or JavaScript for those who think they are interested in web development. But any of these four are broadly supported with vast communities.
  • What tools / frameworks are in use around me? The use of an “Object-Relational Mapper”, or ORM, is most common. Every major language has one or more.
    Based on that I’d like for a tutorial that covers the database engine of choice, and uses the programming language of choice. Usually the framework or ORM tool will have a good tutorial as well. These types of learning aids can either be bound books, or online courses. Choose that based on your preferred learning style.
    I think that the trick here isn’t to pick “the right one” but to pick the technical stack (engine + language + tools) which is common in your part of the world. This will give the best opportunity for applying your new skills quickly.
Tim Becker

How useful is a good understanding of graph theory to follow your book or is the brief introduction in chapter 1 sufficient?

Josh Perryman

I feel that Graph Theory is of minimal use in the actual day to day work of using graph databases. Graph Theory provided the primitives (vertices, edges) but working with connected data is more about understanding how to work with data than a mathematical theory. In my mind they are wholly separate from one another for practical work.

Tim Becker

btw, I read through chapter one to get an understanding of what the books is about and I already learnt a lot, so 👍

Josh Perryman

Tim, thank you for reading and joining us on this journey!

Tim Becker

Josh Perryman Thank you for answering all my question, I appreciate it!


Does anyone know any good books on Graph Theory (especially for beginners)?

Marcello La Rocca

Hi Amruta!


Thankyou so much Marcello La Rocca! Very helpful…Especially the second suggestion! :)

Marcello La Rocca

You are welcome! Glad it helped 🙂

Shankar Somayajula

Hi, Thanks for the opportunity bechbd and Josh Perryman to ask questions. Are there any simple/beginner tutorials in using graphs for Inference? Use graph (properties and processing) to tease out causal linkages between products or data elements?
Also can one relate this to sub-graph/directionality of the edges of the graph …
{ (customers with attributes) a, b } (buys) c => (buys) p … or (strong signal for c => p)
but not vice versa…
i.e. { (customers with attributes) a, b } (buys) p NOT => (buys) c …. or (weak signal for p => c)


I do not know of any tutorials specifically around this but I bet if you looked for RDF graphs and OWL you will probably find some.
How this relates to the sub-graph/directionality is really a domain specific concept. Property graphs generally let you traverse edges in both directions but that may or may not make sense depending on the domain. For example in something like a social network you might have two people connected by a friends/follows edge. If the network is like facebook, the relationship is reciprocal and traversing the edge in both direction makes sense (i.e. Person A and Person B are friends). In the network is like Twitter, Person A might follow Person B but that does not mean Person B follows Person A

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