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Grokking Deep Reinforcement Learning

by Miguel Morales

The book of the week from 17 May 2021 to 21 May 2021

We all learn through trial and error. We avoid the things that cause us to experience pain and failure. We embrace and build on the things that give us reward and success. This common pattern is the foundation of deep reinforcement learning: building machine learning systems that explore and learn based on the responses of the environment.

Grokking Deep Reinforcement Learning introduces this powerful machine learning approach, using examples, illustrations, exercises, and crystal-clear teaching. You’ll love the perfectly paced teaching and the clever, engaging writing style as you dig into this awesome exploration of reinforcement learning fundamentals, effective deep learning techniques, and practical applications in this emerging field.

Questions and Answers


Miguel Morales Thanks for taking the time! Where do you expect to have RL the biggest impact in industry in the next few years? And is there any specific use case for finance where you think this could be a game changer (keeping regulations, explainability, etc. in mind)?

Miguel Morales

Hi, Tino. Thanks for the question. I think RL will continue to have an impact on several industries in the next few years. I’m not too familiar with finance, but I know there are lots of R&D investments that involve RL (and AI in general). I’m more familiar with the military industry, and my guess is other industries see AI/ML/RL as critical technologies of the future, along with 5G and Quantum.

Wendy Mak

hi Miguel Morales do you think there are ML problems where we are currently using supervised learning that could potentially be solved better using reinforcement learning?

Miguel Morales

Hi, Wendy Mak. Thank you for the questions. I think, in general, supervised learning is commonly used to make better decisions. That’s true for classification and regression. Are you working on models that classify traffic signs? Are you working on models that predict stock prices? Usually, the real need behind those is better decision making–self-driving cars, automatic trading, etc.
The question is whether RL is ready to take over the decisions of those models. And, the answer to this is, it depends. It depends on whether you can create a simulation for the AIs to learn, it depends on the number of people working on the project, and whether you’ll be able to work on techniques such as transfer learning, it depends.
The way I see it, many ML problems can be transformed into RL problems to let the decision model learn features used for decision making directly, as opposed to having the model learn features for prediction of a proxy objective, which will be the classification/regression objective in a decision-making problem, which may bias the model.

Grzegorz Sajko

Kind of follow up:
Are there tools for “RL production ready” at this moment? to enable this trasformation from ML to RL?

Miguel Morales

Hi, Grzegorz Sajko. Thanks for the question. I think RLlib is a pretty good starting point. But, I don’t think there are any tools to convert an ML problem into RL smoothly.

Wendy Mak

Also, do you have any tips on how to tune/select decent hyperparameters for RL algorithms?

Miguel Morales

Yeah, I think using Grid search first to find approximately good hyperparameters and then Random search to fine-tune the best set is an excellent practical strategy for tuning RL algorithms. Also, there are more advanced methods and can be helpful: population-based training is a good one, for instance.

Saulius Lukauskas

Hi Miguel Morales - a bit of a semi-serious and philosophical question to you, but when I think about deep RL I always think about this xkcd comic in which humans are providing feedback to RL algorithm about the recipes it is generating. In the comic the data scientist announces that in a few hundred more iterations, the food might actually start tasting good. I think this is a fun analogy to reinforcement learning. But this comic is quite old - with the recent advances in methods, data, and the Moore’s law, do you think this comic is still accurate ? what would teaching computers to “cook” with reinforcement learning look like today? Would we still need hundreds of iterations before something is edible ?

Miguel Morales

Hi, Saulius Lukauskas. Thanks for the question. Funny one! Yes, unfortunately, RL still looks like this if you think of training from scratch, but there are several strategies for reducing sample complexity, too. It all begins with the type of RL methods that you select. For instance, a technique called “deep neuroevolution,” related to genetic algorithms, has very high sample complexity. While those techniques are okay to use, if you have a simulation and lots of computing, I wouldn’t train it in the real world. On the other side of the spectrum of sample complexity, we have the family of model-based RL methods. These methods are commonly used to train robots in the real world. These methods need fewer samples to come up with a solution. But of course, everything has pros and cons, and with these methods, wall-clock time may be affected.
But, then, you get into techniques such as transfer learning, multi-task learning, and even a more recent, causal RL. I think researchers are aware of the problem the xkcd illustrates and have been prioritizing it.

David Cox

Very excited to see this book come through the book-of-the-week channel!! I have a bit of a framing question. Let’s say we’re not interested in identifying the optimal solution a system should take in a situation. Rather, we’re interested in training an artificial agent to imitate/mimic/behave like a biological system (who often behave suboptimally). Let’s say we have a bunch of data on the environment, the response options, the choice the biological organism makes, and what environmental changes happen as a result of their choice. How would you setup the RL system to learn to imitate that biological organism?

Miguel Morales

Hi, David Cox. Thanks for the question! This question is interesting and related to behavioral cloning, inverse RL, and imitation learning. The critical distinction is that many of these methods assume optimal behavior, which may be a limitation. However, that’s not the case for other algorithms, such as DAgger (Dataset Aggregation), in which the goal is the clone the behavior of another agent, whether it is optimal or not. Overall, behavioral cloning is related to RL in some contexts, but more so to supervised learning. You are trying to predict the action given a data set of behavior. Yet, it is not supervised learning directly because the data is not i.i.d. (independent and identically distributed), so many of the assumptions of the optimization algorithms no longer hold, and we need different methods to solve the problem. The field you are looking for, though, is imitation learning. I would start there!

David Cox

Thanks, Miguel Morales! This is extremely helpful!! Any offhand recommendations on researchers or authors who are particularly good in this area?

Miguel Morales

Yeah, I like the work of Sergey Levine, Chelsea Finn, Pieter Abbeel, and Andrew Ng. Of course, they do a lot more than just imitation learning. But they have also done lots of good work in imitation learning and inverse RL.

David Cox

Great! Thank you!!

Matthew Emerick

Thanks, Miguel Morales, for doing this!
What prerequisites do we need before reading your book?

Miguel Morales

Hi, Matthew Emerick. Thank you for the questions. I think a background in supervised learning methods is sufficient. Have you trained a couple of NN just following the TensorFlow, or PyTorch tutorial? Then, that’s sufficient. If not, it should take an hour or so to review. After that, I’m not assuming any RL background. So everything moves from the perspective of RL, then to DeepRL.

Vladimir Finkelshtein

We always hear about successes of reinforcement learning: chess, go, robo-dogs, robotic arms solving rubic cubes and so on. What are some examples of tasks which intuitively RL should tackle, but it fails to do so?

Miguel Morales

Hi, Vladimir Finkelshtein. Thanks for the question. Hard to answer because you use the word “intuitively,” and that can make it subjective. If you understand what RL does, it becomes intuitive to use it and what to expect. Surprisingly, some folks don’t think so. For instance, when RL methods mine rewards in a loop, instead of playing a game the way a human plays. Why would the human expect the agent to learn to play like a human if the objective is not that?! But, interestingly, many folks argue that’s a problem with RL.
Now, to answer something related to your question (removing the word “intuitively”), RL should work better at learning a hierarchy of policies. So, that one policy learns to fly an airplane, another learns the tactics of a dogfight, another learns to command multiple platforms, another one an entire campaign. RL should be better at understanding the causal relationships in data; although that is a problem with machine learning overall, RL methods would benefit from it. Also, the fact that an agent trained to perform at a superhuman level in Breakout (Atari) doesn’t do well at all in Pong (Atari) is a clear issue. You would have to train a new model from scratch with Pong. So, multi-task learning is another area where RL methods should be better.

Matthew Emerick

What resources do you recommend to follow up after your book to go even deeper?

Miguel Morales

Oh, I have too many, but to focus, I think Berkeley’s course is great.


I think Grokking Deep RL is the best first book, best I’ve found. It does a good job at introducing the notation common in reinforcement learning. is a famous book in the RL field, and it’s much less intimidating after having read Miguel’s book, so perhaps that is a good second book on the subject, or at least skim through it.

Matthew Emerick

Where do you see reinforcement learning going in the next five to ten yers?

Miguel Morales

I think Causal RL is something to keep an eye on. Also, the use of RL with other methods, such as Unsupervised Learning methods and auxiliary tasks. Meta-learning is another area with a lot of potential, though I see that more long-term, but we’ll see!

Bayram Kapti

Hi Miguel Morales, what are some critical advantages and disadvantages of applying Deep RL vs just a sampling algorithm such as Thompson Sampling for RL purposes?

Miguel Morales

Hi, Bayram Kapti. Thanks for the question. I think the main different is the sequential nature of RL. Thompson Sampling is commonly use for selecting actions under an environment with a single state (often called multi-armed bandits). That’s a single state and multiple actions (arms). RL and DRL is about learning in environments with multiple, even infinite states. However, some of the same action-selection techniques of Thompson Sampling can be ported and use in a RL context. So, I would say it is not this or that, it could be this and that.

Bayram Kapti

Thank you for the answer Miguel Morales !
Does your book cover both or does it focuses on DRL?

Miguel Morales

Of course! It covers Thompson Sampling on a small section of the chapter related to multi-armed bandits and the exploration vs. exploitation tradeoff. But the book covers many other things related to DeepRL, and it doesn’t go too deep on Thompson Sampling.

Bayram Kapti

Got it thanks!


Hi Miguel, congrats on your book! Can you tell us anything about the exercises in the book and how you came up with them?

Miguel Morales

Hi, Glenn. Thanks! And, thanks for the question. Yes. It wasn’t that difficult. I’ve been teaching a reinforcement learning course at Georgia Tech for a few years now, and some of these are ideas that I think would help folks ‘grok’ deep RL. Lots of the students I’ve had over the years have had related questions, so as I was reviewing a chapter, I would write the exercises. Some of the exercises are related to “gotchas” in the practical sense (when implementing an algorithm). I think they are not as important, given algorithms come and go, and frameworks change almost daily, but exciting things may help folks get a complete picture.

Bayram Kapti

Miguel Morales , I saw you mentioned that you’re more familiar with Military applications of RL. I’ve watched the AI win the dogfights against a USAF fighter pilot. Do you have any participation in the development of those AI systems?

Miguel Morales

I’ve worked with that LM team, and I’ve also worked with the winning team (Heron Systems). However, I did not participate in that release of the project. My involvement began after those results were published.

Bayram Kapti

That’s so cool. I used to fly with USAF. That was so interesting for me. A little bit sad though. I wanted the human beat the AI :) a little biased :)

Miguel Morales

Oh cool! Haha, well have in mind the AI had perfect knowledge of the environment. I think without that the results would have been different. The human only has a “perspective,” and it needs to look around and find the bandit, so it was a bit unfair. But, there is work being done to improve those results.

Bayram Kapti

Haha, That’s absolutely true :) Overall, so much fun for me, both aviation and AI fan!


Miguel Morales I read your book some time ago and really enjoyed it. I joined the group to ask this question: I’ve noticed that in PPO and a few other actor-critic algorithms (or, what I would call “actor-critic-ish”, having a policy function and a value function) that the critic / value function is trained after the policy. For example, see: – Do you know why this is? By my own non-scientific observations, I think things sometimes do better when training the critic before the policy. Do you have any thoughts on what order is best? Do you know why the literature often shows the critic trained after the policy?

Miguel Morales

Hey, DevJac. Thanks for the question–a fascinating observation you make!
I’m not sure 100%, but I think it has to do with on-policy vs. off-policy learning, and of course, the implementation. In on-policy learning, the critic evaluates the policy, assuming that policy will continue to run in the environment. The policy generating the data and the policy being trained are the same. In off-policy learning, the critic is evaluating the policy, assuming optimal behavior after that. And, because we don’t have an optimal policy, those are different policies. So, you can train off-policy actor-critic methods the other way (first the critic, then the policy).
Papers, in general, follow this pattern. If you see A3C, PPO, PPG, they all have policy phases first, then critic phases. If you check DDPG, TD3, SAC, they all train the critic first.
Again, I’m not 100% certain, but that is my first guess. Excellent observation, BTW! Let me know if you find more info.

Rona Ainslie

Hi, I’m going to preface with the fact that I don’t know a lot about RL. I have been hearing and reading a lot recently about the need for explainability and trust in AI and machine learning- how does RL fit in to this? Is it possible to understand how the decisions are made, and how does that affect the ways you think its best to use RL?

Miguel Morales

Hi, Rona Ainslie. Thank you for the question. There is a field called Explainable Reinforcement Learning that is focused on making Reinforcement Learning more explainable. What that means is we (all humans: users, developers, researchers, and stakeholders) need to be able to understand the decision made by an algorithm. We also need to trust the decision-making system, and in RL (and ML/AI in general), currently, a slight change of a training seed may yield significant discrepancies in training results. We’re far, and there’s lots of work to be done here.
To answer your question more directly, RL also needs explainability. The main difference when you hear “Explainable AI” vs. “Explainable RL” is the former subsumes the latter. In “Explainable AI,” as introduced by DARPA, there are two tracks, a “Data Analytics” (Supervised Learning for the most part) and an “Autonomy” (Reinforcement Learning for the most part). Folks who focus on that second track, the Autonomy track, are studying “Explainable RL.”
At the moment, there are ways to understand how decisions are made, but I would argue that those are not yet user-friendly. I think lots of researchers continue to work on their narrow RL problems, hoping that researchers working in Explainable RL can come up with solutions to those problems. Later in the future, we can merge paths to deploy explainable solutions. I think having explainable models is a blocking issue before we can release AI to several industries, including mine, of course.

Rona Ainslie

Thank you Miguel Morales Lots of interesting points (and I’m off to google DARPA explainable AI)! Do you think that explainable RL is a field that is being taken seriously? That is, in your experience is there enough money going in to the research yet?

Miguel Morales

It obviously depends on the field, but if you think about it, DARPA, being a government institution, cares about explainability. Why is explainability important to the government and the military? Are those reasons likely to continue there?
I think money is going to continue to flow into it for sure.

Rona Ainslie

Thank you!

John Savage

In applied machine learning it’s recommended to incrementally add complexity to your system until you reach good enough performance e.g. heuristics -> logistic regression -> xgboost -> e2e deep learning. This allows you to understand your problem domain better and prevents wasted engineering/science effort.
Are there similar pathways for RL where we can get the majority of the benefit out of e.g. a very simple optimisation or bandits before having to go full deep RL. What are the tools/methodologies you’d recommend getting projects started with?

Miguel Morales

Hey, John Savage. This is an excellent question. I think the same idea applies, but a bit differently. In RL, there is an environment and an agent. Usually, the environment is given, and researchers concentrate on the agent. However, in an engineering sense, you likely don’t care about Atari games. You care about your problem. So, one of the main challenges in RL is finding an environment to train your agent, or better yet, creating one yourself. What simulation engine are you using? Will you use the real world for training? Will the agent be able to collect enough data? Will you use a sample efficient algorithm for training? Etc.
My recommendation here is to spend time implementing an environment, use off-the-shelf algorithms first, and make your environment look like the environment those algorithms are tune for solving. Once you iterate a few times over your environment, then start changing the agents, models, and training schemes, then go back to the environment and polish once again. Lots of folks want to solve everything at once and trust me, RL is challenging. So, isolating the problem is the way to go.

John Savage

That’s a great insight, thanks a lot, makes a bunch of sense.

Tim Becker

Hi Miguel,
I started looking into RL and your books looks like a great asset! I would like to ask you couple of questions concerning the book and the general topic:

  • Do you have any recommendations for projects to work on alongside your book? I implemented some algorithms for the cart-pole environment from the OpenAIGym package and everything seemed to work, but when I moved to more complex environments my agents did not perform. I was wondering if you have recommendations that are more complex than the cart-pole problem, but still do-able for starters.
  • In the introductory chapter of your book, you mention that the book focuses on algorithms and not on environments or modeling problems. In my attempts, I found it very difficult to find a good description of the current state and to assign useful rewards. I assume this is part of the modeling problem. Do you have any recommendation on how to best do this?
  • To compare different policies, would you compare estimates of the value function?
  • In your experience, where and how would you start to debug if your model is not learning anything?
  • I read in another book that DRL is currently sill very hard, especially to get consistent high-quality results and that you usually have to tune the hyperparameters quite a lot and often you also need a little bit of luck. Would you agree to this statement?
Miguel Morales

Hi, Tim Becker. Thanks for the questions!

  • Yeah. The LunarLander environment is a bit more complex (8 variables for observation, 4 for action). You also have a Lunar Lander continuous with continuous variables for the action space. I recommend staying away from image-based environments until you have solved a couple of other environments with the same implementation. The problem with image-based environments is the feature extraction process can take quite a bit of time without the proper equipment (and even with the right equipment, it takes much longer than non-image-based environments.)
  • Unfortunately, this is a challenging problem, usually left out because it is not as “researchy” but more of an engineering problem. However, for most folks, this is really where the money goes. You may not be able to invent a new RL algorithm, and maybe you’re not even interested in that. Instead, you may want to use one of the available algorithms and train them to solve your problem. Modeling problems (as you say: “assigning useful rewards”) is essential, and someone should spend some time creating a book or some content that explains how to do that. Sadly, I don’t have any recommendations at the moment, only to study how MDPs work (chapter 2) and try to replicate, add complexity. Feel free to explore how others do it. Look for gym <search term> environment and dig into codebases (e.g. atari-py, mujuco-py, hfo-py, etc.)
  • To compare policies in practice, you would evaluate them in environments under similar conditions with several random seeds. Capture the mean total return (sum of rewards from the initial state to the end of the episode, averaged x times, over n seeds), and go from there. You can monitor the accuracy of a value function by comparing the estimates to the actual returns. But on a policy-to-policy comparison, I commonly use the sum of rewards.
  • This is sooo challenging. What I always try to do is to simplify the problem. As opposed to debugging a complex system, simplify the solution. Train against a simpler environment. Use standard hyperparameters for the type of environment that you’re using. RL is very challenging to debug because a single typo can break things. And, what is probably worse in my opining, an implementation with a bug can “work” under certain conditions. That’s cruel, let me tell ya! :)
  • I somewhat agree. Many folks attribute their incompetence to RL and use the phrase: “RL is hard” to excuse themselves. Yes, I believe RL is challenging, but more often than not, it is not working due to user error. When you look at implementations available online many out there are flat-out wrong (including in books, BTW–sadly). But, if you start small and build up, then it is not that bad. You need tenacity and focus, but you’ll have so much fun! Hyperparameter tuning is not that bad once you learn what parameters work for certain kinds of environments. I recommend using a hyperparameter tuning framework and trying a random search. RLlib and tune are excellent starting points.
    Thanks for the great questions. I didn’t do justice to them, but it hopefully helps!
Tim Becker

Thank you Miguel! This helps a lot! As you expected, I was looking at image-based environments that gave me headaches. The LunarLander sound like fun 🙂 I will give it a try.

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